Thursday, March 17, 2016

Unprecedented: Kerry makes an evidence-based decision

In a move certain to put him in bad standing with the Obama administration, Secretary of State John Kerry has decided that the Islamic State is killing Christians on purpose. 

"Some may call it genocide," Kerry said, 'but I just think that they are doing it on purpose because they are targeting Christians and other minority groups on purpose because they refuse to acknowledge the fact that Islam is a religion of peace."

President Obama was visibly angry with Kerry's decision, a decision that required more than just evidence, a decision that required over 34,000 Twitter suggestions that Kerry is as intelligent as a box of rocks. 

That was all it took for him to realize that he couldn't wait any longer. After all, it is Saint Patrick's Day and if Patrick were alive today, the Islamic State would have killed him. Thus, Kerry met the congressional deadline for once.

Luckily for ISIS (Barack fondly calls them ISIL) Kerry's decision will not obligate the United States to do anything about it, much like the United States didn't do anything about Adolf Hitler's genocidal decision to exterminate the Jews until 6 million of them were killed.

So ISIS can go on killing Christians, Yazidis, Shi'ites and Jews (when they can find any still around) as well as other minorities and this will not prejudge prosecution of ISIS terrorists. They will be given a fair trial, and, if convicted, provided with a Koran, prayer mat, soccer ball, and a smart Jewish lawyer to get them out of the slammer.

Regarding genocide, what was Kerry's first clue?

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