Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Mahmoud Abbashole praises terrorist attempted murder of IDF soldier

What can he be smelling?
The president of the so-called "country" Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas praised a Hamasshole sympathizer who tried to kill an Israeli soldier with her car. She wanted to be a "martyr" and fly to Paradise where she would have the privilege of watching her husband have fun. 

Abbashole wrote to the parents of the woman, Amani Husni Sabatin. "We see in her a martyr who watered the pure earth of Palestine with her blood." 

Sabatin was shot dead after ramming her car into a Jewish soldier in the Gush Elzion Junction near Jerusalem on March 4th. Her funeral in Husan was supposedly attended by hundreds of anti-Semitic scumcrumpets who are taught hate along with their toilet training.

President Abbashole sent a similar Islamic martyr letter in 2014 to the Mu'taz Hijazi family. Hijazi tried to kill Temple Mount acitivist Yehuda Glick. This is what's known as "theocracy in action." 

Abbas described Hijazi as a "martyr" who died "while he was defending the rights of our people and our holy places."

It doesn't matter that the Jews were there three thousand years before the Muslims.

The PA officials and Abbas incite violence, not peace, and those who blame the Jews are merely blaming the victims. Abbas consoles the families of terrorists, like the relatives of the terrorist who hacked a rabbi to death in Jerusalem.

The PA joined Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, two terrorist groups, in honoring the Arab-Israeli scum who killed three people in Tel Aviv on New Year's Day. The PA said he was "one of the most precious martyrs whose name has been inscribed with his pure blood that watered the soil of our free land."

By free, they mean they came and took it by killing the opposition.

Wake up, America--pure Islam is not at all a peaceful religion.

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