Thursday, March 17, 2016

Pelosi loves them illegals

Blowing on her nails to dry the polish
It's time to offer a path of legalization to all those millions and millions of illegal Irish Democrats that have been pouring into the country in droves, Nancy Pelosi (Duh-Calif.) believes, "and I want it to be done before St. Patrick's Day comes to a close."

Pelosi spoke at her weekly press conference claiming that it's "ironic" that House GOP leaders scheduled a vote that allows Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to file an amicus brief at the Supreme Court opposing so-called President Obama's dictating immigration policy. "After all, President Obama is our first black president and filing an amicus brief against him is not only un-American, it's downright racist.

"Why should undocumented immigrants have to wait in line? Why should the Mexicans and Syrians have to wait? Why should anyone who signs an affidavit swearing that they are not terrorists have to wait to have for all those suckers who have gone through all those stupid legal procedures? This is America, dadnabbit, and I refuse to stop people from coming here and living the welfare dream."

As you may know, Ms. Pelosi is desperately awaiting a brain donor as hers has been nonfunctional for over fifteen years. 

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