Monday, January 11, 2016

Even teen doesn't get Islam: stabs Jewish teacher

The Gharqad Tree
Come, said the stone,
O Muslim, servant of Allah,
come, there is a Jew hiding behind me,
come and kill him.
Come, said the tree,
O Abdullah, servant of the Lord,
come, there is a Jew crouching behind me,
come and strike off his head. --Sahih Muslim 41:6985 
France -- a Muslim teenager, who obviously knows nothing about Islam, slashed a Jewish teach in southern France Monday. The kid invoked the Islamic State and also said that he also planned to go after police.

The 15-year-old Turkish Kurd and misinterpretor of Islam was nabbed soon after he attacked the teacher in an outdoor attack in Marseille, Brice Robin, the prosecutor said. The Muslim teen, who knew little about the religion of peace, invoked Allah and ISIS and said upon capture that "the Muslims of France dishonor Islam and the French army protects Jews."

How dare the French army protect Jews--how un-Islamic.

The cowardly kid ambushed the Jewish teacher from behind, slashing his shoulder, and then chased him as he tried to flee. But Allah was on the Jewish teacher's side as he did not suffer fatal injuries and the teen was apprehended.

This is the second knife attack that comes a few days after a man went after Paris police with a butcher knife and was sent to Paradise. There he will be receiving: "Unending, and unforbidden, exalted beds, and maidens incomparable. We have formed them in a distinctive fashion and made them virgins, loving companions matched in age, for the sake of those of the right hand" (Qur'an 56:33).

Both of these knife assaults came shortly after the first anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper attack and the kosher supermarket attack killing 17 people.

But not to be forgotten, two Christian churches were burned. There was also a boar's head and racist inscriptions found at the main mosque in Perpignan, France, which will probably used to exemplify moral equivalence to the attempted murders.

If only those jihadist radicals knew how tolerant Islam is, they might not be so quick to want to kill Jews, Christians and other non-believers. Instead, they think the Qur'an instructs them to be intolerant and aggressive toward them.

Here's a bit of Islamic love for your enjoyment:

"The curse of Allah is on disbelievers" (2:89)
"Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers: (2:98)
"Give us victory over the disbelieving folk" (2:286)
And finally: "Those who disbelieve in the Qur'an, for whatever reason, are cursed by Allah, the angels, and men combined. So every good Muslim must join Allah and the angels in cursing nonbelievers" (2:161)

And that's just a small part of Sura 2.

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