Sunday, January 10, 2016

Iran wins the Powerball Lottery 100 times

One can hardly wait as the day relentlessly approaches when Iran, bless their hearts, will have the sanctions lifted and the terror funds can come pouring in. 

John Kerry, the so-called man who denounced the United States for our role in the Vietnam War, and attended the opening ceremonies for the Communist War Remnants Museum, said the sanction-lifting is just "days away."

Maybe he and Obama have been promised a kick-back of the $150 billion windfall by the Ayatollah. I honestly would not be surprised. 

Kerry said Iran will get paid "sooner rather than later." However, there will be a vote in the House next week that would prevent Obama from lifting sanctions on Iran's financial institutions and banks unless the Obama administration can certify the Iranians are not financing terrorism or ballistic missiles.

Naturally, Obama does not want to go that route because Iran obviously will be using the money in nefarious ways, but he doesn't care. (Did I mention the possibility of him and Kerry getting a kick-back?) They already defied the testicular-challenged POTUS by launching several missile tests and this is a direct challenge to the so-called nuclear deal.

Iran knows that Obama would bend over backwards to get this deal done because his legacy is clearly more important than our security. 

The problem is, whenever Obama bends over backwards, his head ends up where it ought not to go.

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