Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Iran's Supreme Bigot

Khamenei with Iranian Tele Prompter
Somehow the terrorists have many on the left convinced that we and Israel are the terrorists and that they are our victims.

The so-called Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, of the terror sponsoring state of Iran spoke on Sunday to appeal "to the youth in Western countries." The U.S. and Jew-hating Ayatollah accused the U.S. of arming and aiding al Qaeda and other terrorist groups and, since he had the microphone at hand, lashed out against Israel for sponsoring "the worst kind of terrorism against the Palestinians.

I suspect that dickweed Khamenei would think better of the Jews if they didn't shoot at the Muslim attackers who were simply trying to stab a Jew or two in accordance with their religious anti-Semitic scripture. "Leave them alone, they're only doing what's been commanded of them by the almighty Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam)," he might have said.

So the Islamic State terrorists attack Paris and Khamenei verbally attacks the U.S. for sponsoring terrorists across the planet and for oppressing Muslims for their values.


Scumcrumpet Khamenei's Iran is launching attacks across the globe and waging war to expand its influence in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Iraq. That's called Islamic conquest; it's what they do.

Now Iran's theocratic leader, a moron who judges everything in terms of his brand of Islam, wants Western youth to oppose Israel, a country he believes is worse than any terrorist group operating in the world today.

I imagine he will get enough college-zombies to go along with that kind of thinking. Anti-Semitism is the new avant garde of the left. Sadly, many who fall in line with it are Jews themselves. The reasons for this are psychological and not appropriate for this post.

So the Ayatollah wants our kids to embrace Islam. He believes that it is our values and culture that fuels ISIS et al, as if they wouldn't exist without our freedom of expression. That makes as much sense as Obama blaming terrorism on global warming. 

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