Saturday, October 10, 2015

BREAKING: Death at Turkish peace rally

Ankara, Turkey--Turkey's Health Ministry reported that at least 86 are dead and over 180 injured when two closely-timed bombs targeting a peace rally were detonated within minutes of each other.

The bombs were placed near Ankara's main train station where people gathered for the rally which was organized by several civic and trade worker's groups. The rally was to call for an end of violence between Kurdish rebels and Turkish security forces.

Turkey's Dogan news agency was covering the event and TV footage showed a group of protesters chanting and dancing with their arms locked when a huge explosion went off behind them. The video showed bodies covered with rally banners and flags while others, more fortunate, were being taken to hospitals.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan returned to Ankara, Turkey's capital, from a program he was attending in Istanbul.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu called an emergency security meeting to discuss the attack. He is suspending his election campaign programs for three days--elections are slated for November 1st.

Nobody has yet taken responsibility for the slaughter and government officials are having the incident investigated.

Selahattin Demirtas, head of the pro-Kurdish party had his members attend the so-called peace rally. "There are dozens of dead and hundreds of injuries," he said. "Some of our friends are in serious condition."

This past July, a suicide bombing attributed to ISIS killed 33 in a Turkish border town with Syria. A leftist (not conservative) militant group has also been carrying out suicide bombings in Turkey.

It isn't known whether this latest peace rally spoiler was a suicide attack, but if it was, the suicide bomber who blew him- or herself up in the attack, was doing it for Islamic jihad and believed he or she was going to get rewarded with a trip to Paradise.

Islam is a religion of peace like Obama is a uniter of all people.

My opinion.

UPDATE: Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu is now saying there are strong signs that the bombings were the work of suicide bombers. There will be a three-day official mourning period for the 86 victims.

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