Friday, October 9, 2015

Kerry missing at Mensa meetings

John Kerry is either ignorant or simply a simpleton.

I know that is an outrageous thing to say about the Secretary of State of the United States of America--who am I kidding--in Kerry's case, it isn't outrageous at all. When God gave our brains, Kerry was busy falling off his bicycle onto his empty head.
Bibi refuses to play "Rock Paper Scissors"

Kerry and Benjamin Netanyahu were standing in the area along the West Bank where a couple was murdered in front of their four kids. Kerry tried to convince Bibi that the peace process the Obama administration is trying to shove down their throat could put an end to these murders. 

Just how naive does he think Benjamin Netanyahu and the rest of the world is?

Like I said, Kerry is either ignorant or a simpleton, and my money is on the latter.

Rabbi Eitam Henkin and his wife Naama, were driving with their four kids when a car containing two Palestinian Muslims pulled alongside and shot them to death. Their kids, ages 4 months to 9 years were uninjured, if you don't count becoming an orphan as an injury.

"Palestinian terrorists murdered yesterday a young mother and father leaving four little orphans. A gunman brutally murdered nine innocent Americans," Netanyahu said before he met with Vietnam dropout Kerry last week in New York. The Israeli PM was referring to the Roseburg, Oregon massacre which President Obama has turned into a political circus.

Kerry claimed that "our hearts go out to the families of the Israelis who have been lost but our hearts also go out to the people of Oregon too, where we've had our own violence in our country."

Getting back to Kerry's words against the Palestinian attack, Netanyahu said: "I appreciate your strong statement of condemnation. I have to say that I have yet to hear any condemnation from President Abbas and the Palestinian Authority."

Netanyahu went on: "Worse, I heard senior officials from his Fatah movement praise this action. They say this is the way to go.  No, it's not the way to go. The way to go for any conceivable arrangement is to fight terrorism and to make sure that terrorism reaps no rewards."

What do words offer as a solution to terrorism?


And somehow the Obama administration still believes their words have power and magical power at that.

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