Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Iranian Sting

History may have repeated itself today as yet another Democratic president has made it possible for another nation to develop and produce nuclear weapons. This deal will definitely destabilize the Middle East as it legitimizes a nuclear program run by terrorists with the blessings of the worst president our country has ever known.

Obama spoke about the deal making it sound as if we got the better of the demands, but clearly, this is a serious loss for the West and another example of what it's like when an amateur runs a nation.

Go here to learn what the provisions are in the agreement and tell Nancy Pelosi to shove it where she does most of her thinking.

You will see that Iran has been handed small concessions while we agree to allow them to continue their nuclear program and will make sure they know we're sending inspectors well in advance (at least 21 days if they need it) to ensure there's adequate time to hide their product.

Iran will continue enriching uranium under the agreement and develop highly advanced centrifuges that reduces the timeline to make a nuke. Iran violated an agreement in 2014 that was put in place to bar them from testing these advanced centrifuges. Thank you Barack Hussein.

Now, if we want to inspect their sites, we must give them at least 14 days advanced notice and they have another week to decide if the coast is clear. Why is this not surprising? I made a snarky remark about it in my blog here and wasn't off by much.

As it stands, the deal shortens the timeline to an Iranian nuke and allows these scumcrumpets to pump out more bombs than its current capacity.

This agreement isn't only bad on the surface, it's bad below what can be seen because it is not verifiable since the IAEA will only have full access to declared nuclear facilities, not the ones Iran is hiding. The IAEA can "beg" for access to military and other suspected sites, but if you think Iran is going to actually be honest about their existence, much less their location, I have a Nigerian prince who can make you rich.

Kerry and his hair tried to bs away the agreement's loose demands regarding inspections of non-declared sites by lying that Iran will not be able to pursue a nuclear weapons program since their declared nuclear supply chain will be subject to monitoring. Is he naive, stupid or a damned liar?

Well, maybe all three.

Israel and the rest of the neighborhood aren't going to sleep well anytime soon. Iran can still develop warheads and uranium enrichment to set up those warheads at the undeclared sites.

Worst of all, the relief of sanctions against these terrorists will be easy to obtain since the UN, EU and USA sanctions will be "terminated" on "implementation day." And if we find they lied, (how likely is that--they're such honest terrorists) there are provisions to re-impose sanctions but China and Russia probably won't agree to follow our lead.

"President Obama" has basically "flipped off" Israel and much of the Middle East. Is it any wonder why Jordan and the Saudis are shaking hands with Vladimir as they do backroom deals for nuclear "energy."

Finally, it is incredible to imagine any Republican president (RINOs included) who would not have included our four Americans being held hostage by these bastards. Just because this crappy administration said that the hostages are not part of the agreement process does not mean they should not have been.

I hope Israel does what it must to protect itself because this administration sure as hell is not going to lift a finger to do what allies swear to do.

Not only is Obama a failed president; he is a dangerous one. And now he has Hillary Clinton's full support in these negotiations. 

It sounds like Hillary has taken a page out of the Bill Clinton playbook with the North Korean deal. 

What is our nation going to do about it? 

Play video games, get the latest I-phone, and smoke weed.

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