Monday, July 13, 2015

Obama's Kerry and Iran do an "Ella Fitzgerald" in Vienna

Is anyone surprised that no deal has been reached in the Iran nuclear talks and the deadline is gone yet again? 

These negotiations remind me of the old Ella Fitzgerald song "Undecided," by Sydney Robin and  Charles Shavers:

First you say you do 
And then you don't
And then you say you will
And then you won't
You're undecided now
So what are you gonna do?

Now you want to play
And then it's no
And when you say you'll stay
That's when you go
You're undecided now
So what are you gonna do?

We do have a deal. We don't. We do. We don't. It makes you wonder if John Kerry lost his "boys" in the bike accident he had that broke his leg and apparently his spirit. The guy is as effective as Hillary Clinton was in Benghazi.

The final word from Vienna is there is no deal at present, in spite of the optimism that belched its way into the media this morning. Iran's top terrorist diplomat supposedly reported the negotiations wouldn't meet the midnight deadline.

This was merely the fourth deadline in the series.

However, Iran President Rouhani hair-trigger tweeted "Iran Deal is the victory of diplomacy & mutual respect over the outdated paradigm of exclusion & coercion. And this is a good beginning." 

Rouhani deleted that tweet when he learned that there was no deal, but not before Marie Harf tweeted: "You say 'paradigm.' What does that even mean? Seriously, what does paradigm mean--it's a big word."

According to Fox News, "Tehran and Washington were clear by midday that no deal was yet ready for prime-time."

This upset President Obama who often appears on prime-time TV to joke, smile and fart around at being the coolest POTUS ever.

Press Secretary Josh Earnest (whose name is an oxymoron and so is he) said that "some sticking points" remain unresolved. By "sticking points" he means that Kerry is having it "stuck to him" by Iran, and the deal we are making with terrorists, who we refuse to negotiate with, except this one time, is like the deal we made for the release of Bowe Bergdahl.

Running a country is tough. Having idiots run it is as crazy as trusting Hillary Clinton to watch your back.

Earnest said in earnest, "Nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to." He said he learned that saying "in the rooms," where tautologies are more plentiful than coffee at an AA meeting. 

Marie Harf responded: "Wow, that's heavy, man."

But make no mistake, the Obama administration is definitely eager to keep the talks going. After all, Obama opined, it's hard to kill Americans once you sat down with them and talked for a few years. (He was referring to Americans who were actually born in America, not people like Valerie Jarrett who were born in Iran.)

So what can we look forward to in the future besides a blinding flash and sonic boom? I predict we have several more months of talks where Kerry will cave to Iran's demand for the destruction of Israel, but will stand firm against Death to America. After all, it's his butt too.

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