Friday, July 17, 2015

Chattanooga needs to be a turning point

 (left to right) Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Sullivan of Springfield, Mass.; Lance Cpl. Skip 'Squire' Wells, of Marietta, Ga.; Sgt. Carson Holmquist, of Grantsburg, Wisc.; and Staff Sgt. David Wyatt, of Chattanooga.

When a Muslim named Muhammad (I refuse to supply the scumbag's full name) shoots at people inside a military recruiting office, then drives off to a reserve Naval station and starts shooting again, killing 4 Marines and wounding several others, and our so-called president refuses to identify the shooter's religion and possible motive for his jihad, we are a nation in trouble. 

I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means. I believe Alex Jones is to conspiracy theory as Al Sharpton is to racism, but I can't believe that these kind of acts have been going on repeatedly on our soil, and the president, with his three Muslim names, still refuses to identify the enemy or even acknowledge that Islam is the enemy.

I say "Islam" and not "Muslims" because the first is a religion and the second a person who practices that religion. 

However, I'm tired as hell hearing people say "It's only a small number of Muslims who are the terrorists." The truth is, it's only a relatively small number of Muslims who commit terrorist acts--say around several million in all--but it's millions more Muslims who support these acts and millions more who say they don't but are too frightened to demonstrate against them. 

It may not have been ISIS who inspired Muhammad to kill Americans, but it sure as hell was the Koran, maybe Sura 9:5, or the dozens of others in their "scripture" calling for death to infidels. 

If you don't think Islam is a big problem for the West, then you might only be receiving MSNBC on your telly or too busy catching up with the Kardashians.

With the Chattanooga shootings, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned this horrible act. Don't be fooled, however. CAIR is an important arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and would very much like to see the Islamic flag flying above the White House. The scary thing is, perhaps Obama isn't so much against that possibility. 

We need to arm our military both here and abroad--they have been designated as soft targets of the Islamic scumbags. Soft targets are those in which no serious resistance would be encountered if you approached them with a weapon. That desperately needs to change now, and "exploring" the issue hasn't done much since 2009 since the Fort Hood shooting, or 2013 after the Colorado shooting.

When I first heard Marines were shot yesterday, it didn't sound like any of them were mortally wounded. Later when I heard my brother Marines had died, I was brought to tears. 

Obama has the power to write an executive order allowing military personnel to carry a weapon. It was a stupid law when George H.W. Bush proposed and signed it, and now it is clearly a dangerous law.

Rest in peace, Marines. 

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