Sunday, July 19, 2015

9 Reasons Why the Iran Nuclear Deal Sucks

President Obama wanted the nuclear deal with Iran more than a crack addict who voted for him wanted another "hit."

So while Russia, China, Iran and Barack do a victory dance, something smells in Denmark. In fact, just by virtue of who is actually doing the victory dance, this should tell you a lot about what this deal really does for Iran and to the USA and our ally Israel. Without a doubt, it will make Iran a stronger terrorist nation and significantly lessen our security in the West.

Let's look at why the deal sucks:

1. It boosts Iran's economy by lifting sanctions that have crippled the terror state's ability to fund other terrorist states and organizations such as Hezbollah, Assad's Syria, and the Iraqi militias. It also makes it easier for Iran to get their wish for the destruction of Israel and the death to all Jews as prescribed in the Koran. The deal will provide the Shi'ite state with $150 billion in revenue that will likely go to fund terror and build the best nuclear bomb delivery systems money can buy.

2. It prohibits nuclear site inspections by United States inspectors and the "anytime, anywhere" Obama administration claims to how these inspections will be carried out, it a lie. In fact, Iran can block access to inspectors to any undeclared nuclear site, and the only thing that would prevent these puss-bags from building a bomb on one of these sites would be a change of heart by the Iranians who still chant "Death to America, death to Israel." Once denied, the reason for denial is adjudicated by a committee which Iran also sits on. Next it goes through several other processes, also sat on by Iran. It can take up to 24 days before permission to inspect is granted, and by that time, "the coast is clear."

What are the chances of Iran developing a secret bomb?

3. The chanting "Death to America" has not stopped, so what makes anyone believe that the development of a nuclear bomb has stopped? The ayatollah has stated quite clearly that nothing has changed. America is still the enemy and they will continue to support the same terrorists they supported when this all began and John Kerry was being insulted and screamed at in Vienna.
"Eight, nine, ten. See? I can do it."

4. Obama's sidekick, Susan Rice, admitted to CNN's Wolf Blitzer that we can expect some of the money Iran will receive will be spent on funding terrorism and their military. 

"Yes, it is real, it is possible, and, in fact, we should expect that some portion of that money would go to the Iranian military and could potentially be used for the kinds of bad behavior that we have seen in the region up until now," the half-witted Susan Rice said.

Why is that possibility acceptable? Oh, right, Obama's girls will never have to serve in the military and his family is well-protected against any sort of attack. And Valerie Jarrett might just have an "in" in Iran. No worries, Mr. President.

Or else Barack Hussein Obama is so naive, he believes his own crap.

5. The releasing of American hostages was "off the table" for this deal. Why? Because our Secretary of State and the Obama administration doesn't have the balls to demand their release--or no deal. Like I said, Obama wanted this deal more than a crack addict wants his next hit.

Three men, the Christian missionary Saeed Abedini, our U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, 
and Washington Post journalist, Jason Rezaian are being held in Iran and Obama-Kerry have been impotent to obtain their release. Robert Levinson, a former FBI and DEA agent, has been held hostage for over 8 years and his current whereabouts and situation are not known.

Just because Iran wants this issue "off the table" is no reason to obey them. I wouldn't have been surprised to see photos of Kerry with a leather obedience S&M collar being held by Javad Zarif, Iran's negotiator.

Sarah Shourd, a former Iranian hostage makes a good case for having included the hostage release as part of the nuclear deal.

6. Almost 80 percent of Americans think the nuclear deal with Iran sucks. We believe that lifting the sanctions was a bad idea according to an AP poll, which showed 77% of us believe sanctions should be kept or increased, certainly not lifted as this crappy deal spells out.

Relying on his ability to baffle with his bull, Obama is now on a two-month long campaign (as the legislative body has 60 to review this bad deal) to build support for his crappy deal. I suspect he will appear on The Daily Show and other late night spots to make his appeal to his base. Maybe, if we're lucky, he'll sing the blues in falsetto.

The Congress will begin the review process of this deal on Monday. Let us all hope they firmly reject it with a super-majority.

7. This deal will do nothing to stop China and Putin to supply the terrorist state of Iran with weapons to kill Americans and Israelis. 

Sergey Lavrov (Russia's Foreign Minister and the guy who was gifted with Hillary's "reset" button that really said "overcharged") confirmed that "weapons supplies will be possible" without impunity under this crappy deal. "Russia and China will continue to make weapons deals with Iran under U.N. procedures."

Fox News' Charles Krauthammer said about this issue that "the net effect of this capitulation will be not only to endanger our Middle East allies now under threat from Iran and its proxies, but to endanger our own naval forces in the Persian Gulf. Imagine how Iran's acquisition of the most advanced anti-ship missiles would threaten our control over the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, waterways we have kept open for international commerce for a half century."

8. Israel is thrown under the bus at the end of the day as Obama kicks the can down the road. 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the U.S. lawmakers to hold out for a better deal adding that there is no way the U.S. can compensate Israel if the deal goes through. He believes the deal only delays Iran's ability to develop nuclear weapons.

Obama is betting his nation and ours that he's wrong.

"Everybody talks about compensating Israel," Bibi said on ABC. "If this deal is supposed to make Israel and our Arab neighbors safer, why should we be compensated with anything?"

9. Finally, if Iran was using its Uranium enrichment facilities for peaceful purposes, why were they built with military-type structures underground? 

Basically, he's a schmuck
Iran has never told the truth about anything they were planning to do militarily. Their promises with this deal is merely what is known by Islam as "taqiyya," or lying in service of furthering Islam.

Picture this: the USA is a big, green frog, and Iran is a dark, slimy scorpion. We are trusting the scorpion to carry us across the pond.

Obama is counting on "the stupidity of the American voter," as Jonathan Gruber pointed out regarding the passage of Obamacare. 

Of course, Gruber was talking about the voters who believed his lies--we refer to them as "liberals."

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