Sunday, July 19, 2015

Kerry Defends the Stupidly Bad Deal

Hairplugs McGoo and his comical sidekick
John Kerry, our so-called Secretary of State, showed just how bright he is: the "anytime--anywhere" inspections were never on the table. Why weren't they on the table? Because the Obama administration is about as professional as a Kindergarten kid.

Kerry is so stupid, he actually believes that snap inspections should not be part of the agreement, and worse, that the United States should be part of the team doing the inspecting. What a bunch of amateurs we have in this clusterfart of an administration. 

Ronald Reagan said, "Trust, but verify." Who is going to verify the absence of Iranian nuclear weapons for us--another Islamic nation? And why are we not allowed to be part of the inspection team?

Kerry told Fox News that "There is no such standard within arms control inspections. We never had a discussion about 'anywhere, anytime' managed access."

Why not, Mr. Hairplugs? 

Plugs McKenzie and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz claim that International Atomic Energy Agency inspections within 24 days of a request will be sufficient to detect nuclear activity.

Sorry, I don't believe them. In fact, I don't believe Iran will tell the inspectors where all the sites are located and I believe that this administration is the most dangerous bunch of fools this country has ever had the misfortune to have in power.

Iran still chants "Death to America, death to Israel." Does Obama think they're kidding or does he have more covert intentions?

Kerry couldn't negotiate a chocolate bar away from a 5 year old. Our Americans remain in captivity, Iran remains a terrorist state, and Obama cares more about his crappy legacy than the safety of the American people. 

Tehran was granted a last-minute request to lift the arms embargo and we still have four Americans being held by Iran. Kerry's excuse was: "Every single meeting, everywhere in the world that ever took place with the Iranians, we have raised the issue of the American citizens. And we are working on the issue of the American citizens even now."

Raising an issue and raising hell with Iran are two different things. We needed to be tough, unlike Kerry and his sideshow clown. We needed to tell the ayatollah that if they don't release our people, we will make the current sanctions seem like high school detention compared to what we'd do next.

The Iranians are laughing at our Kerry clown and his sidekick. The Iranians got everything they wanted and Obama got to say he has a deal. What a loser we have running the country; it's embarrassing. 

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