Monday, June 15, 2015

Jeb! Bush: 5 things to consider about him before voting

Now that Jeb! is throwing his hat in the ever-enlarging campaign ring, we should get to know his views. Jeb Bush has name recognition, but not everyone knows how he stands on national security, specifically Islamic terrorism.

1. Jeb Bush has said, ""[Islam has] been hijacked by people who have an ideology that wants to destroy Western civilization, and they're barbarians. And so that part, which is the part that we need to confront head-on, is clearly not a religion of peace."

Nobody has "hijacked" jack squat. Islam is Islam. Islamic scripture, like Judeo-Christian scripture, has good parts and bad parts. But in Islamic scripture, i.e., the Koran, the good parts are abrogated by the bad parts. That is, the earlier Koran written by Mohammad's scribe while in Mecca, was peaceful because Islam was weak. The latter Koran, written by the scribe because Mohammad was never able to read or write, was written in Medina, when Islam was powerful. And the Medina Koran abrogated (that is, negated) the earlier, peaceful Koran.

To call Islam a "religion of peace" is ridiculous, if you follow what the religion of peace is doing in the world. Their definition of peace is that state of being in the world when only Allah is worshiped and the Jews and all non-believers are destroyed. Only then will there be peace.

2. Jeb believes that the way to fight radical Islam is to concentrate more on security and less on promoting Western values. "Am I the same as my brother? Of course not. I'm not. I think, for example, our foreign policy ought to be grounded in not just the export of our own values and nation-building. These are good sentiments, but first and foremost is security and peace."

Jeb really seems to be working hard at not being his brother, but his take on how to fight this ideology is naive. 

Security is important, of course. Nobody denies that. But if you want to put an end to this 1400 jihad, you need to change the way many Muslims think of their so-called religion. 

The Islamic State is winning the hearts and minds of young people on the Internet. They are convincing people to kill and die for them. Now that must be one hell of a powerful message. 

We need to do the same. We need to convince young people that Western civilization is desirable and not evil. We need to also use shock and awe to rattle their now-secure cages. They need to know soon that they are going to lose, and once they know that, they just might listen to reason. If not, we keep killing them for national security.

3. Jeb has Jordan Sekulow as a top adviser to his "Right to Rise" PAC. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR, pronounced "go to hell") demand that Bush drop Sekulow, the executive director for the American Center for Law and Justice from the PAC because they claim he's "anti-Muslim." Sekulow, a lawyer, has written a pamphlet entitled: "Shari'a Law: Radical Islam's Threat to the U.S. Constitution."

CAIR is an un-indicted co-conspirator with the Holy Land Foundation--a group that funneled money to Hamas and supports terror. Why they are allowed to operate in the United States is a mystery--you might ask Obama.

Having Sekulow on board with Jeb is a good thing--Jordan isn't fooled by CAIR or Islam and perhaps can show Bush why he needs to rethink his take on the religion of peace.

Jordan Sekulow has been referred to by the leftist magazine, Salon, as an "evangelical attorney." They call Jeb's acquiring of Jordan as "a major coup." If Salon attacks Sekulow, you know he's good--it's scaring them like crazy.

4. Jeb criticized Obama for pulling his support for Egyptian President Mubarak and now thinks the U.S. should be more friendly towards President El-Sisi.

Bingo. I am in full agreement with Bush on this one. El-Sisi's speech was incredibly courageous when he said that Egypt needs to be less reliant on the old ways of Islam and more accepting of the values of the non-Islamic world. 

They will probably try to kill El-Sisi for this.

5. On Iran, Jeb opposes a nuclear deal but isn't sure if he supports a regime change at this time. He believes, however, that we should align ourselves with those Iranians who oppose the current regime.

Again, I believe he is spot on regarding the so-called deal. Iran is going to develop a bomb and probably go after Israel.
"Once we're done with Israel, just you wait"

Obama hates Israel and likes Islamic nations, based on his track record. He is basically handing Iran the bomb and Bush is fully aware of that.

5. On ISIS, Jeb is not so fully aware. In fact, he's kind of an idiot.

He has shown the same level of knowledge regarding ISIS as Obama showed regarding the number of states in the union. (Remember, our "Genius in Chief" said there are 57 states.)

In a foreign policy speech made last February, he said that our government estimated ISIS has 200,000 fighters. In fact, the estimate was 20,000 to 30,000. He mispronounced the terrorist group, Boko Haram, in spite of the fact that it had been all over the news. 

He also called Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi "the guy that's the supreme leader or whatever his new title is--head of the caliphate."

Jeb needs to do some research.

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