Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Selective Belief

Why dis an example o we believe them when they say we've killed one of their leaders, but don't believe them when they say that they are Islamic, and will one day will fly their ISIS flag over the White House?
Bought his shirts at Costco
before "buying the farm"

This is an example of selective belief and it depends upon the public's gullibIlity.

Al Qaeda has confirmed that a U.S. airstrike killed their number 2 leader, a terrorist scum-merchant, who commanded Al Qaeda's Yemeni affiliate. This means we have dealt these "folks," as Barack calls them, a serious blow and perhaps the worst since Hillary Clinton was in the same room watching Navy SEALs take out Osama bin Laden.

The scum-merchant, Nasir al-Wahishi, was a charismatic, albeit odoriferous leader, and his death was announced in a June 14 video statement and released on Tuesday by a senior Yemeni affiliate operative, Khaled Batrafi (his friends call him "Batman").

Qassim al-Raimi has been selected to replace him and, Lord willing, die next.

"Our Muslim nation, a hero of your heroes and a master of your master left to God, steadfast," Batrafi bellowed, assuming that the killing of non-Muslims gets you into Paradise. He vowed that Al Qaeda's war on America would continue.

"In the name of God, the blood of these pioneers makes us more determined to sacrifice. Let the enemies know that the battle is not with an individual . . . the battle led by crusaders and their agents is colliding with a billion-member nation."

So according to Obama, Al Qaeda and the Islamic State are not Islamic, but they actually believe they are. We should not believe them when they say they are, but we should believe them when they say we've killed one of their own.

The truth is, Al Qaeda believes their version of Islam is the true version, while Islamic State believes theirs is the true version. Moderate Muslims do not believe that they should go out and follow the warring Medina Koran, but they also think they should let the chips fall where they may and after the smoke clears, and heads roll, they plan to pick up the pieces.

Islam is, as evidenced by its scripture, anti-Semitic. The Koran specifically tells Muslims to hate the Jews. This is because Mohammad (peas be up in him) hated the Jews for not converting to his warrior so-called religion. 

So it should come as no surprise that Batrafi vowed to make the USA "taste the bitter flavor of war and defeat until you stop supporting the Jews, the occupiers of Palestine, until you leave the lands of the Muslims and stop supporting apostate tyrants."

Israel and the Jews is mentioned hundreds of times in the Old Testament; Palestine not once.

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