Monday, May 25, 2015

Obama's Memorial Day Ice Cream Cone

The Democratic party has slithered so far left they have completely become disrespectful of the Memorial Day holiday. Rather than our so-called commander in chief (a community organizer who couldn't organize his own fart), he is seen on twitter @theDemocrats stuffing his socialist face with ice cream.

If he isn't the worst president this country has ever seen, then I don't know who is. It is disgraceful, disgusting and very Obama-esque. 

Obama's Memorial Day message: "Happy Memorial Day." It's just like any other day except it's a day for fun and ice cream. No message to honor the fallen in past wars. No American flags on the wall or Obama's shirt. 

Ice cream is fine, but not as the main focus of this day.

I believe Obama has not one ounce of actual patriotism. I believe he doesn't like this nation because if he did, why would he want to change it, and why would people vote for someone who said that as his campaign promise?

He appeals to the left because they, like him, do not like what we stand for: our freedom, strength, wealth and decency. 
This is what it stands for, Mr. Obama

Have a peaceful and thoughtful Memorial Day.

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