Friday, May 29, 2015

Big Freedom of Speech Rally tonight in Phoenix: bring weapons

Phoenix, AZ--Jon Ritzheimer is a former Marine who is planning to hold a rally outside the Islamic Community Center in Phoenix. He is calling it a "Freedom of Speech Rally," and he said that he was "driven by a desire to tell the truth about Islam." The event will also have a Draw Mohammad Cartoon contest.

Ritzheimer wears a shirt that says: "F--- Islam" and suggested to rally attendees to bring guns just in case there's a jihadist uprising. I believe that's good advice.

This Islamic center and mosque is the same one that was attended by the Garland, Texas Muslims, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. They attempted to kill as many in attendance of a "Draw Mohammad Cartoon" contest that was sponsored by Pamela Geller, an advocate of the First Amendment and a person who has been exposing the horrendous treatment of women, gays, Jews, Christians and all other infidels who do not follow the exact Islamic dictates set out in the Koran. 

Fortunately, an off-duty cop with his service revolver took the jihadists out before they could kill in the name of Allah, the moon god of the pagans.

Many Muslims consider all images of the prophet of Islam, Mohammad, to be blasphemous. These same Muslims consider all Jews and Christians pigs and apes (they say the Al Fatiha prayer about 17 times a day to acknowledge their anger) and find it a religious act to kill infidels and gays. 

"These are the measures we have to take to expose the true colors of this religion," Ritzheimer said. "Unfortunately, we have to hold a cartoon contest, as silly as it sounds."

Ritzheimer informed the Islamic center of his intentions and about 600 people have said that they would be attending.

The head of the Islamic Center and mosque, Usama Shanni, (no known ties to Usama bin Laden) said: 
"Everybody has the right to be a bigot. Everybody has the right to be a racist. Everybody has the right to be an idiot."
When it comes to bigotry, Islam wrote the book--it's called the Koran. When it comes to racism, Shanni is confused because Islam is not a race. It is an ideology and ideologies are ripe for scrutiny--except Islam, they kill people who question it. 

When it comes to being an idiot, well, perhaps Ritzheimer could make his point in other ways; certainly wearing a tee shirt saying "F--- Islam" is not going to convince Muslims that their religion is not the way to worship a loving god, or win any over to their side of the debate.

 Allah hates everyone who doesn't believe he exists. If Allah failed to give mankind the sensory equipment to actually perceive of his existence, rather than relying only on faith, then it's on him. Christians and Jews don't kill non-believers.

Anyway, the event is scheduled to go off at 6:15 pm Phoenix time (9:15 pm EDT). Let's hope nothing else goes off when it does, if you know what I mean.

Arizona Governor, Doug Ducey said, "Of course I'm a believer in free speech and the First Amendment. I'm also a believer in good judgment and common sense." He was going to add the word "but" to the second sentence, and knew that leaving it out kept him from sounding like a moron. 

There are no "buts" in the Constitution and there is no justification or excuse for killing people who are exercising their rights. If we only had nice things to say to those who disagree with us, we wouldn't need a First Amendment. 

Let's hope the Muslims exercise common sense. After all, it is our Constitution and our rights as a free country. And we will not be cowed into silence when it comes to our rights, whether it's tacky or not.

In our nation's capital, the Washington Metro voted to stop showing "issue-oriented" ads throughout their system after Pamela Geller attempted to place ads with Mohammed cartoons on the D.C. transit system. 

Washington Metro balked because they are afraid of Islamic terror repercussions. Unfortunately, we have become a nation of cowards, and this is what extreme Islam is counting on.

I sincerely doubt that there will be any Mensa members at this rally due to the strategy being used to get their message out, but there will be Americans there who on one level are sick and tired of being told by the media to shut up because they are "asking for it."

They are not asking for anything more than the right to say what you and I may not want to hear.

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