Friday, May 29, 2015

Mosby was hacked like a Weiner

Marilyn Mosby, the Baltimore City state attorney, is the victim of a vicious hacking attack that randomly "favorited" two controversial tweets. 

Can you believe it, hackers actually tried making Ms. Mosby look like she approved of tweets that someone else tweeted about the 6 Baltimore cops involved in the Michael Brown Trayvon Martin Freddie Gray case. The tweeter referred to the cops as " those 6 thugs" and the hacker made it look like poor Ms. Mosby agreed with that assessment by giving it a "favorite" response using her account.

The other tweet praised Ms. Mosby's handling of the case and said that she "INFURIATES a certain kind of white person."

Can't you imagine a hacker, who is not Ms. Mosby, showing a favorite response on Twitter to a tweet that praised the person hacked? Makes perfect sense. Probably some damned conservative hacker trying to get Ms. Mosby in trouble.

It's a shame these things happen to such upstanding and reputable people. It brings to mind Anthony Weiner when he was hacked in the so-called "Weinergate Scandal" that rocked the nation . . . well, okay, not the whole nation, but his wife Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood (the latter who probably does not care much for him because he's Jewish) were not happy because of his association with them.

Ms. Mosby tweeted on May 23rd from her personal account that her official account had been hacked--not her personal account. She had no proof but said she assumed it was  hacked because of the "favs" that she got caught not "faving," in spite of the ease with which she was later able to access her account. 

But her personal account was  also hacked around the same time. What a terrible coincidence that might cause one to think she may be pulling a Weiner.

Megyn Kelly of Fox News wondered why would a hacker go into an account to only "favorite" two tweets that someone may or may not find down the road in weeks to follow?

Having her legally involved in the Freddie Gray case would be a miscarriage of justice.

Unless you believe that the Weiner was framed too.

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