Monday, May 25, 2015

Benghazi Hill: not a sideshow, a freak show

If you had the opportunity to be tapped on the shoulder by Hillary Clinton to be her running mate (assuming that you're a Democrat who believes the Clintons are a hard working, misunderstood, caring, brilliant, patriotic and honest family, LOL) you would probably do all that you could to defend her against those nasty people from the media (assuming the media were all composed of vast right wing conspiracy nut jobs who hate women, love guns more than their own children, and want to go to war at the drop of a hat, LOL).

Julian Castro, the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development might be the guy with that shoulder. And since he may be our next Veep (gahfahbid), he is defending Benghazi Hill with all the defense he can muster.

Castro  is calling the Benghazi-related emails a "witch hunt" and a "sideshow." In fact, he is probably right about the "witch" part when it comes to Benghazi Hill, but it's anything but a "sideshow."

In an interview with CNN (Certainly Not News), Castro said "This thing has been studied to death by Republicans and Democrats." 

This was not an Onion statement--he actually said that Democrats have "studied to death" the Benghazi facts along with Republicans. Democrats, particularly Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) were in a psychotic state of denial when it came to Benghazi. If they were studying anything, it was not about the facts and lies about what elicited the attack in the first place. Rather than studying the facts, Cummings attacked the GOP side of the investigation.

Castro went on to say that "Secretary Clinton was not in any way at fault," but how could he actually know this when she used a private email server and subsequently destroyed the evidence? That doesn't sound like a witch hunt and it doesn't smell like roses.

Benghazi Hill says that she wants to release the emails (as if she needs to somehow go to great lengths to do so) but it's too late. The emails that are being produced have already been scrubbed clean or redacted, and the missing emails she claims were personal (Chelsea's wedding and yoga moves) are the ones that most likely are relevant to Benghazi and her failure as Secretary of State in providing protection to the embassy there.

What mother deletes emails from her daughter's wedding but saves all her work-related emails when she no longer holds that job?

Only 296 emails have been released by the State Department. These have been reviewed by Clinton's lawyers and deemed "ready for prime time." It has been discovered from Hillary's hacked email server that Sidney Blumenthal (a person who the Obama administration said must not be involved with her job as Secretary of State) provided her with input about Benghazi.

It is also believed that Russia and China have probably hacked into the email server.

But Castro calls the Benghazi investigation a sideshow. This makes him a perfect running mate in Hillary's circus.

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