Sunday, February 8, 2015

Strategic Patience or "Be Real Quiet and They'll Leave You Alone"

"An army of sheep led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a sheep" --Alexander the Great

Now the Obama administration has a new strategy in the war against "violent extremists," (who may or may not be Muslims) and it goes by the term: "Strategic Patience."
His only ball

Strategic patience is one way to say what Obama's strategy is, but there are other ways of saying the same thing. How about the "Passive, Non-Aggressive" strategy or "Be Smart and Do Nothing "strategy? They seem to echo the same idea of patiently waiting and the bullies will see that you don't want to fight and will walk away, just like your teacher told you to do, but they attacked you in the schoolyard anyway.

I like the: "Be Real Quiet and They Will Go Away" strategy--it's so totally, like, progressive and all.

Susan Rice warns us that "alarmism is something we can't afford," while the Islamic State is immolating people, killing, torturing and destroying as if the world is made of wood and ISIS are the termites. Action is not "alarmism," Susan, but the alarm has gone off and we need to do something. Strategic patience, two words that remind me of the word "Islamophobia." Both terms are used to prevent action. In the first case, to prevent an actual military strategy to be implemented. In the second case, to shame people and keep them from talking about the reality of Islamic jihad that stares us in the face. Even conservative leaders are afraid to be honest about the situation.

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines "Strategic" thus:
1. a) necessary or important in the initiation, conduct or completion of a strategic plan.
    b) of great importance within an integrated whole or to a planned effect.

2. designed or trained to strike an enemy at the sources of its military, economic or political power.

In other words, a strategy involves ACTION!!

So while Obama and his administration us strategic patience (which is a make-believe term like Islamophobia), the UK has stepped up to the plate and set up a unit of highly skilled pilots and staff to prevent another coalition pilot from being captured and killed by ISIS. 

The Joint Personnel Recovery (JPR) units will consist of 12 man teams aboard Chinook choppers and will be accompanied by jet fighters providing "above cover."

This is what a leader looks like
Meanwhile, Jordan's King Abdullah will be donning his flight suit, the same one he wore as a Chinook pilot for the Jordanian Air Force, while President Obama will be donning his golf shoes and Mom's jeans, patiently playing another round, knowing that this is the best way to treat a crazy organization of Islamic terrorists.

Obama mentioned how Christians killed in the name of Christ, but he forgot to mention that today, not 900 years ago, people are killing in the name of Mohammad.

Do you really believe he's a Christian?

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