Sunday, January 25, 2015

Imam John Kerry Mohammad Warns US Against Islamophobia

It's good to see John Kerry getting into that old-time religion, Islam. Our Vietnam hero is calling for more resources in the fight against "global extremism" and not Islamic terrorism. 
Imam John abu Kerry

In fact, our once upon a time swift boat commander, and head-up-his-nether-regions-Secretary of State turned Imam, warns us that, while we must fight the threat of people whose religion has nothing to do with why they're fighting us (and saying magic words like, "Allahu Akbar" as they chop off our head) we must take care not to be Islamophobic.

This latest revelation comes from the article by Warren Strobel, "Kerry calls for more resources in anti-extremist fight, warns of Islamophobia,"  Reuters, January 23, 2015.

The Koranic scholar, Kerry, spoke at the annual World Economic Forum closely following the deadly Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris, Nigeria and Pakistan (pronounced "Pahkeestahn" by President Obama). He claimed that while we must fight the extremists, the battle would falter if it "becomes consumed by sectarian division or Islamophobia. "These kinds of actions can never be excused. And they have to be opposed. With every fiber of our being, they have to be stopped. We have to take risks, we have to invest more resources," the four-month-tour in the Vietnam War hero said.

You gotta be kidding, right?

What Lurch wants us to do, is pay off the enemy and they will shake our hands and go away. How'd that work out for you in Pahkeestahn?

Even France is blaming themselves for the attack on Charlie Hebdo and blaming the Jews for the Kosher supermarket attack (see Times of Israel for more on this).

The Islamic extremist jihadists of the Islamic State, having taken ownership of large areas of Iraq and Syria are referred to as an ultra-radical group, just like Boko Haram. He said that these groups "are attempting to govern land. It's a first-time event."

Does Kerry know any Islamic history at all?

Kerry offered no ideas about what to do with these savages. He stated that world leaders must "keep our heads." Seriously, he said: "keep our heads." Nobody laughed.

Kerry warned: "The biggest error that we could make would be to blame Muslims collectively for crimes not committed by Muslims alone," but he didn't and couldn't cite anyone else at this point in history committing these "crimes." 

The biggest error that we could make would be to pretend Islam has nothing to do with Islamic terrorism. Who else is committing these barbarous acts? Who is beheading infidels?

We who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and brains to think, do not blame all Muslims for the "crimes," Kerry refers to. We blame the religion when it is being followed in an orthodox manner. We blame the Muslims who sit on the sidelines doing nothing to denounce this jihad, and secretly support it. They may be biding their time for when a Caliphate is established and all the world says "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger."

And calling these acts of jihad terror "crimes" should be a crime because it refuses to identify the real reason the Islamic State, for example, has the word "Islamic" in their name.

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