Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fox Goes Mainstream on Bibi

Well, it looks like Fox News has gone mainstream media when it sang a different song on Friday about Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Both Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace criticized Bibi's decision to speak in front of Congress in March and did not kiss Obama's ring and confess his plan beforehand. The speech will come just weeks before the Israeli election, which it appears will be won, once again by Netanyahu.

Speaker John Boehner extended the invitation to Bibi on Wednesday and even Boehner forgot to mention it. 

The subject of the speech will primarily be on the need for greater sanctions on Iran and on Islamic extremism.

The exchange between Smith and Wallace came in response to a quote from Martin Indyk from The New York Times Thursday. Indyk worked for the Brookings Institute and served as US ambassador to Israel. He was also the former US envoy to the peace process. "Netanyahu is using the Republican Congress for a photo-op for his election campaign and the Republicans are using Bibi for their campaign against Obama. Unfortunately, the US relationship will take the hit. It would be far wiser for us to stay out of their politics and for them to stay out of ours," Indyk said.

Wallace agreed completely with that statement and said that he was "shocked" by the whole affair. Smith asked whether Bibi would back out of the speech because, "Members of his own Mossad have come out and said this is a horrible idea and so have members of his own political party. Of course his political opponents are screaming up and down, the newspapers over there are going wild over this."
Bibi's selfie

Smith, for his part said, "It seems that they think we don't pay any attentiuon and that we are just a bunch of complete morons, the US citizens, like we wouldn't pick up on what is happening here."

Wallace then added: "For Netanyahu to come here and side with Boehner against Obama on Iran seems to me like very dicey politics."

My take differs from Smith and Wallace. Obama has been the worst presidential ally to Israel we have ever seen, except, perhaps than Jimmy Hamas Carter. All that Netanyahu is doing is giving the same treatment to Obama that Obama has given to him, time after time. Wallace called Bibi's actions akin to "sneaking into Congress." In a sense, this might be true because Obama doesn't usually know what's going on in the world unless it's on the news, he has, in effect, stated.

Obama selfie
Iran is building a nuclear arsenal; I have no doubts of this, in spite of the lack of unrefutable proof. I base my belief on Iran's history of lying, and the Islamic doctrine of Taqiya that allows lying for the sake of Islam.

The biggest threat in the world today is not the Islamic State, they can be defeated. Our biggest threat is Iran. They are working diligently at creating a nuclear arsenal and have already come up with a missile system that can reach here. Obama is giving them every opportunity to finish the job.

Netanyahu may have designs on another term in office, but bowing to Obama and asking permission to speak to Congress is both unnecessary and futile. Barack doesn't like Israel and dislikes Netanyahu even more. 

You see, Bibi has one thing Obama lacks: absolute patriotism to the country he leads.

I am surprised that Fox News has gone to the left on this issue. I am not suprised Shep Smith has, as he tends to be quite liberal, which is his choice. But for Chris Wallace to disregard Israel's position in the Middle East and the motive driving Netanyahu to make his case, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

It tastes like spoiled baba ganoush.

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