Monday, January 26, 2015

Kobani Taken Back

Kurdish fighters, assisted with US-led airstrikes, kicked the Islamic State's butt and pushed them out of Kobani, a key Syrian town. The orthodox Muslims of the Islamic State thought it would be a cake-walk, or in their case a hummus-walk, but they underestimated the Kurds and paid heavily for their mistake. 
 A Kobani airstrike by US-led coalition

The only question now is whether Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi will execute those ISIS soldiers left alive from the battle who retreated. He did it before, he might do it again because that's just the way the dude rolls. What a leader.

Imagine how angry Abu must've felt seeing the Kurdish enemy removing the black ISIS flag and replacing it with theirs on the hill that overlooks the town. He probably beat one of his wives just to get out his anger.

The American coordinator of the US-led coalition predicted the Islamic State would get the crap kicked out of them in Kobani, and he was right, stating that ISIS would "ìmpale itself" on Kobani. This is a major success for the Kurds and the coalition.

Last September, Islamic State Muslim fighters began the capture of around 300 Kurdish villages near Kobani and entered the town itself, occupying about half of it. This caused thousands of refugees to flee into Turkey, just across the border.

By the following month, ISIS controlled so much of the town that they made a propaganda video of John Cantlie, a British photojournalist, to show just how badass they were. No goats were harmed in the making of that video.

Because Kobani was a strategic border crossing with Turkey, it was essential that the coalition hold it. Even the immoral John Kerry said that it would be `morally very difficult" not to help Kobani. That's ironic, isn't it? Good thing Kobani isn't Israel.

Airstrikes are great at softening targets. Serious carpet bombing softens them even more. But unless we're talking nukes, and we aren't, there must eventually be ground troops to clean up the trash.

Military analysts say the arrival of "gunned-to-the-teeth" Kurdish peshmerga  fighters from Iraq are the reason for success.

 I agree and would add that having women fighters scares the crap out of these religious Muslims. They believe that being killed by a woman, a "thing" that should be used merely for cooking and sex to bear more jihadis, would take away their chances of getting into Paradise where they could have all the sex they want with lots of virgins.

And they call it a religion, a religion of peace, no less. What a joke they've tried to play on us, but all they fooled were our leaders and our liberals.

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