Friday, December 19, 2014

Sony, Obama, Castro and Hawaii.

President Obama held his year-end news conference today just before going on a well-deserved vacation in Hawaii on our well-deserved taxes. Okay, so maybe his vacation is yet another vacation by a man who seems to enjoy golf and vacationing than actual work, but our tax dollars are well-deserved and I wish we could keep more of them.

The main issues he addressed were the Sony cyber attack by North Korea (or at least that's who they say is responsible), and the kissing up to Cuba's dictators, Raul and Fidel Castro after 50 years of sanctions.

Obama said he believes Sony "made a mistake" by not releasing "The Interview," a satire about the chubby dictator of North Korea, Kim Jung Un. Our divisive president vowed that the U.S. "will respond," but didn't say just how we will. If I were Kim, I wouldn't be too scared--Obama tends to speak lots of empty words, but does so very nicely. According to Harry Reid, he doesn't even have a Negro accent.

The FBI formally blamed Kim and his regime for the cyber-attack, which Obama mentioned via TelePrompTer. "We will respond," he vowed, and short of shaking a fist, nothing more was outlined. It is highly likely that Mr. Obama will first consult the polls before making any unilateral decision, unlike Kim Jung Un, who has no polls to consult, and all decisions are unilateral and final.

Barack mocked the regime for launching an "all-out assault" over a flick that was simply a satire, but he also went after Sony for being a bunch of pussies. He said that Sony should have spoken to him first, before making any decisions, but it would have been entirely possible for Obama to have called Sony if they didn't make the call to him.

In a patriotic and moving statement that brought many Americans to tears, Obama said: "We cannot have a society in which some dictator some place can start imposing censorship here in the United States." 

He did not add, but should have added: "If any censorship is going to be imposed in the United States of America, it's going to be imposed by me and it's going to be imposed over Islam and the Prophet, peace be upon him. Nobody screws with my prophet, peas be up in him."

In a moment of uncharacteristic liberal logic Obama explained that if someone can "intimidate" a company from releasing a satirical movie, "imagine what they start doing when they see a documentary that they don't like or news reports that they don't like." He was, of course, referring to Fox News, which he doesn't like either.

The so-called president said, in typical liberal logic that we will respond "proportionally" in a "place and  time and manner" of their choosing. When any man hears someone say in a fight, that he will respond "proportionally," any man knows the words are being spoken by someone who had never really been in a fight. You don't respond "proportionally," you respond with shock and awe and beat the holy crap out of your attacker so the message is clear and the behavior will cease immediately. Proportionally is for ideologues who believe everything in creation must be handed out equally--oh wait--we also call them Communists.

On the "hug a dictator front," Obama has made his lifetime dream come true: he is courting the Castros.  He will "normalize relations" with Cuba in spite of their killing Americans as recently as 1996. To show his good faith to Fidel and Raul, Obama is releasing three spies, one of whom is a killer. Hey, it's a better deal than we had with Bowe Bergdahl where we released five known jihadist murderers for a traitorous scumbag whose court results are still being kept secret from the public who paid for his defense.

Cuban-American lawmakers of both parties are angry at Obama over this decision. But Obama said that he had no illusions about the Castro regime. "This is still a regime that represses its people," he said, but failed to add, "which, all things being equal, I would do to these dumb voters in all 57 states. They need to be guided by me, someone smarter."

Obama is a lame duck but his dreams of dancing with Communism are coming true. His entire family was Communist and I suspect it had an effect on the way he sees things. 

Make no mistake; if he could finagle a third, fourth and tenth term in office, he would.

"Aloha, suckers."

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