Friday, June 7, 2013

Hang Down Your Head, Somebody!!

The country is in trouble. I have no doubts. Benghazi seems to have become an old story that people have lost interest in, but we have no answers and four Americans are dead because of the deliberate inaction of this administration. 

There was a time in the past when an incident like Benghazi would have been met with a brutal response by us--we would send in the Marines or some military force, but now we just pretend if we don't talk about it, it'll go away. If we speak nicely about the Islamic terrorists who want us dead, maybe they will like us and not want to kill us. After all, if they want to build a mosque at Ground Zero, they have the right--it's religious freedom. If they are offended by our challenging aspects of their religion that directs them to kill us, and do so in a particular manner (beheading the enemy), we must shut up and be nice. All our politicians are doing it--we call it Political Correctness.

But the country is in trouble for other reasons as well.There are things going on covertly that are compromising our rights, events that are wasting our money by the IRS; people who are on the public payroll but refuse to answer to challenges about their behavior involving their job; an Attorney General who appears to be circumventing the Constitution and going after the press; a gun running operation that people have stopped talking about where an ICE agent was killed with a weapon that our country supplied to the drug cartel.

The latest scandal in the news (at least Fox News and conservative blogs because the left is leery of touching anything negative about Obama and his administration) is the Verizon scandal. The records of all Verizon subscribers are regularly subpoenaed by the administration and there may be even more companies involved with it. The Internet companies like AOL, Skype, Facebook and others are also giving away our private information. (For more on the Verizon story, check out today's other blog  here )

The absolute worst part of all this, is the fact that none of those directly involved with these situations, seems to give a rat's scrotum about their behavior. Obama's claim is that congress knew about the records. Holder says he has no plans of resigning. The IRS imbeciles are pretending they don't know their elbows from another part of their anatomy.

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