Monday, May 13, 2013

Who's On First? Not Obama

Hillary didn't know what was going on in Benghazi, even though her emails seem to indicate she was informed. Susan Rice was simply told what to say by someone who the public is not privy to knowing. Eric Holder had no idea about who walked the guns to the Mexican drug cartels in the Fast and Furious caper. Barack is clueless about why help was never sent to save the Benghazi outpost or whatever the proper term is for the non-consulate, non-embassy, and he has no idea about Fast and Furious or the current IRS scandal where conservative organizations, donors, and individuals who may be involved with the Tea Party. In other words, nobody is running the country. Nobody but the people at the bottom of the political food chain are guilty of misdeeds.

 Everyone is as clueless. Everyone is pulling a "Biden."

Obama is tap dancing over Benghazi and claiming that he sent Matt Olson to Capital Hill to say the attack was an act of terrorism. He didn't send Olson--he was called to testify, but the president would have us believe that he wanted him to testify. Obama can't seem to understand why the public, that is, those of us who don't see him as a rock star god, feel that we want answers to Benghazi. If he does understand, then it's clear that he doesn't give a damn what we think, just as long as he remains judgment proof.

There are too many more questions that need to be answered about this shady administration. Who coordinated the SEAL Team 6 mission that killed 11 people, including all the men involved in killing bin Laden? Why did they use a 1960 Chinook rather than a modern stealth helicopter? Why did they fly the entire team in one chopper rather than two, like they normally do?

Finally, why isn't Fox News mentioning the fact that the 3 men who may or may not have been killed by Terrorist One, were Jewish and at least one of the murders occurred around or on September 11th, 2011?

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