Friday, December 23, 2011

The Religion of Peace? Let's Do the Math--Part 2

In my first blog of this subject which you can see here:  part one  I discussed the Koran and how it's broken down, and the issue of women in Islam.  In this part, I will discuss the kafir and political Islam

1. The Kafir:  When imam's in America talk about the kafir, they say they are referring to the 'unbeliever.' That's true in part, but the true meaning of this Arabic word is more complicated than that. A kafir is a person who knows that the Koran is true, but denies it. In other words. a kafir knows the Koran is correct when it claims the sun sets in a puddle of mud, and the night is what hides the day. A kafir also knows that when the earth comes to its end, the stars in the sky will fall to earth and go out. But a kafir just refuses to acknowledge these indisputable truths. So if you understand that a kafir is not neutral when it comes to the Koran, like an unbeliever would be, you can see that it isn't nice for a Muslim to call you a kafir--thems is fightin' words.

Islam spends a lot of time and words on the kafir problem. The Koran devotes 64% of its text on this scurge, but the Sira goes further than that, devoting 81% to Mohammad's struggle with the kafirs, while the Hadith speaks about them 32% of the time.  There are many names the kafirs go by: idolatoers, People of the Book (your standard Christians and Jews), atheists, agnostics, and pagans (which is actually the foundation of Islam, but trying to get a Muslim to admit that is like pulling teeth). So no matter which category you, dear reader, may fall into, if you ain't Muslim, you are a kafir and are not to be treated equally as a Muslim. In fact, if you're not a Christian or a Jews--you know, a People of the Book--you're not fit to be alive and must be killed--the old "slay 'em wherever you find 'em," situation.

2.  Political Islam: If we can agree that religious Islam is the doctrine dealing with Paradise and avoiding Hell because it burns to the bone, and is described thusly in the Koran and Sunna, then we can analyze religious Islam mathematically, based on the frequency which it's mentioned. On the other hand, (hopefully you have never stolen anything in an Islamic country and still have both hands), that part of Islam that deals with "outsiders" or kafirs is the political side of Islam. 

In Mo's 13 years in Mecca, he had about 150 followers then headed out to Medina where he became a politician and a warrior. During those 9 remaining years of a very busy life, Mo and his merry men were involved in some form of violence on the average of once every 6 weeks. If you think Hell's Angels are bad, you haven't met the Muslim Maurauders at work, chopping off heads and other body parts, killing children, taking booty, which Mohammad got to claim a full 20% just for himself, and making the widows of the slain victims into sex slaves, which is why they were merry in the first place. 

They blow up so fast
The violent Islam gained a full 100 thousand followers in contrast to the religious Islam with its paltry 150. So it was the violence and the booty that converted the non Muslims to Islam, not the religion. In fact, based on the math alone, if Mohammad stayed with the religious end of Islam and left politics to the other crooks, he would have gathered about 265 Muslims by the time he died, not the 100K followers he ended up with. 

In summary, political Islam pays significantly higher conversion dividends than religious Islam. In fact, it makes total sense, because if you actually read the Koran and Sira, you would see how the "Perfect Book" written at the beginning of time, even before there were books, is chock full of contradictions and information that a fourth grader in any Western country would know is fake. So if the religion cannot prove its claims with rational theory, then forcing it on victims works a hell of a lot better.  

If you're interested in reading the final segment in this series go here  for part three.

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     


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