Monday, November 18, 2024

What's going on with Iran's Ayatollah?

Is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei really sick or is he worried that Israel has a target on his back and he plans to go into hiding to avoid getting himself 'droned.'

Tehran’s top clerics are supposedly ready to choose a new supreme leader to replace the allegedly ailing Ayatollah, as per a recently published report by Iran International, a British-based, Saudi-sponsored dissident Farsi tv network. 

The report claims that Khamenei, 85,  who has ruled since 1989, is suffering from a medical condition which is increasingly impairing his ability to lead the country.

The 60-member Assembly of Experts, a council of Tehran’s top state Shi’ite clerics, met on September 26th at the behest of Khamenei to select his successor, the report claimed. They debated, evaluated, micturated and deliberated and eventually voted unanimously [under penalty of death, one supposes] to designate Khamenei's loyal son, Mojtaba Khamenei, 55, as Iran's next terrorist leader.

Mojtaba [let's call him Mo] teaches Islamic theology [e.g., jihad, sharia, anti-Semitism] for Qom Seminary, which is Iran's largest hawza school. Mo is a hardline Islamic terrorist supporter, which means that he's on board with the total annihilation of the world's Jews and eventually Christians.

Mo backed Holocaust denier, the then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and is thought to have a strong influence on his father’s anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic politics.

The report also suggests that Mo may have been in the camel's seat even before his father's death, due to Ali Khamenei's deteriorating physical condition and diminishing capabilities. It was also said that his father groomed Mo to replace him during his own lifetime and had considered stepping down to make way for the transition of power.

But the possibility also exists that Ali is planning to hide out from the IDF and their aircraft.

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