Sunday, November 17, 2024

Alexandria Obviously-Comatose analyzes Trump's 'They/Them' Transgender Ad

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the gift that keeps on giving . . .  to the GOP. She is probably one reason the Democrats lost the 2024 presidential election and her appearance on MSNBC with Joy Reid, should dispel any doubts that AOC is not the best the Democrats have to offer.

The Democrat congresswoman who every man wants to date,  'splained why her party fell short of winning the White House and getting another chance to pull the nation even further to the left.

AOC: You know, all of this debate that people are talking about with this woke thing, right? "Oh, my gosh, it's because we care about trans people, that's why there's a backlash."

JOYLESS REID: And by the way, only Donald Trump cared about trans people because he was the one running $130 million worth of ads. The Harris campaign said nothing about this issue.

Reid, as you may know, got in a bit of trouble some years ago after posting anti-gay comments on her Facebook page and later claiming that she was hacked. Yeah, sure.

Anyway, it's beginning to seem like AOC is clueless about the reason her party lost. Of course, Reid too is just as clueless about her party's loss [imagine a so called, self-proclaimed "journalist" towing the party line]. 

The fact is, Kamala Hahaharris highlighted transgenderism during her failed campaign. As Vice President, merely days before announcing her presidential run, she went "Ru Paul's Drag Race" claiming transgenderism was under attack. 

And let's never forget her position on using taxpayer money for sex change operations FOR CONVICTED CRIMINALS AND ILLEGAL ALIENS. Later, she tried to disown it, but we all know she said it as VP.

AOC: That's right, that's right, and listen, it's not even to deny the fact that these ads were effective in certain areas. What I think people are paying too much attention to is the first half of that ad, which says, that said, "Kamala Harris is for they/them." Everyone is focusing on that. They're not focusing on the second half of that ad where he said, "Donald Trump is for you."

REID: Yeah, yeah.

AOC: And Democrats very often, in their messaging, they speak in this, in terms and in concepts, and not in the second person. "I care about you," and political races are not about one candidate vs. another candidate. Too often, it gets pigeonholed like that. It is a race about who cares about you more.

What AOC and Reid are missing is that the ads were very effective because it clearly depicted that the Democrat's position on transgenderism is nuts.

It's clear the left has a problem with their positions on various issues. From boys beating the crap out of girls in sports, to genital mutilation of children who may be confused because their parents confused them, to open borders that seem to welcome criminals. 

But let's not tell that to them.

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