Saturday, September 14, 2024

Iran on the cusp of going nuclear thanks to Biden- and they want Harris to win

As the US presidential election fast approaches, it is known that Iran wants Kamala Harris to win and may be ready to push forward a nuclear weapon as the Trump-Harris election battle continues.

The Islamic Republic now has the technical know-how and resources to get more than a dozen nuclear bombs online in just four months — possibly before Joe Biden technically leaves office [he's been mentally gone for years, sources say].

Tehran thus far has enriched over 6,200 kilograms of uranium to the 5%, 20% and 60% levels. Weapons grade uranium 235 is about 90% enrichment and this is what the mullahs are going for, while under Trump they generated less than low-enriched uranium with fewer than 2,400 centrifuges. 

Now it has over 7,400 of the advanced centrifuges required to rapidly enrich radioactive ore, along with other technical advances that will allow it to replace human lab work on a nuclear weapon with computer modeling, which is much easier to conceal and far quicker.

Worse still, it has reactivated its Fordow enrichment site and is reportedly building a new site near the Natanz facility, one sunk so deep in the earth it would be immune to offensive strikes unless the Mossad can infiltrate it and blow it to smithereens.

In other words, America’s most committed enemy in the Middle East and the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism is now on the cusp of a strategic breakthrough that will see it empowered beyond anyone’s worst nightmares.

Maybe if Biden-Harris sends them more money, they'll be nice to us. After all, the Biden-Harris administration has left us with a border crisis, another national security clusterfrack [sic] so we need to deal with that as well.

Call Trump crazy if you want to, but under his administration, Iran, North Korea, China and Russia knew better than to mess with us. 

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