Friday, April 12, 2024

Kim Jong Un promises 'death blow' to his enemies, ignores our VIC

North Korea Supreme Leader for Life Kim Jong Un, held a meeting with his military officials last week and vowed an overwhelming assault on any possible enemy, totally ignoring the U.S. VIC [Vegetable In Chief] Joe Biden's request for "compamanonopan" [i.e., cooperation].

Kim made the statement on Wednesday while speaking at Kim Jong-il University of Military and Politics (Go Emaciates!) as reported by Yonhap News Agency. They said that Kim was poised to make a "death blow" to enemies.

"[Kim Jong Un] said that now is the time to be more thoroughly prepared for a war than ever before and that the DPRK should be more firmly and perfectly prepared for a war, which should be won without fail, not just for a possible war," North Korean state media reported.

"DPRK" stands for "Democratic People's Republic of Korea," the country's official name, but it's an oxymoron to believe that it belongs to the people.

"It is an immutable law of war victory to neutralize the numerical and military and technical superiority of the enemy by means of superiority in ideology and war methods," Kim Jong Un said in Korean, thoroughly confusing himself and Yonhap News Agency.

He reportedly added that "now is the time to be more thoroughly prepared for a war than ever before and that the DPRK should be more firmly and perfectly prepared for a war, which should be won without fail, not just for a possible war."

The dictator's aggressive tone shoots down any prospect of cooling tensions growing between North Korea, Japan, South Korea, and the U.S.

Alleged U.S. President Joe Biden mumbled an appeal Wednesday for Kim to accept a Japanese proposal for international talks.

"We welcome the opportunity of our allies to initiate dialogue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea," Biden mush-mouthed during a joint press conference with Kishida. "As I’ve said many times, we’re open to dialogue ourselves without preconditions with the DPRK."

"The window of a discussion with North Korea is open," Kishida said at the same conference. "The establishment of a meaningful relationship between Japan and North Korea is in the interests of both Japan and North Korea and it could be hugely beneficial to the peace and stability of the region."

North Korea has taken an even more caustic international posture than usual in recent months, abandoning its symbolic goal of reunification with South Korea and declaring them their "primary foe" and "principal enemy."

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