Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Biden calls Netanyahu a "bad f**king guy"


Cornpop may have been a "bad dude," and Donald Trump a "loser" in the jasmine of Biden's addled mind, but it's Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who he referred to behind closed doors as a "bad f**king guy." 

Biden reportedly said this in a private conversation, believing Bibi is trying to get Americans involved in a wider conflict in the Middle East, which could lose Biden the presidential election in November, Politico reported on Sunday.

Politico claims that many progressive lawmakers are angry at the Israeli PM for fighting back against Hamas. They think it's hurting their political ambitions of power and want Biden's handler[s] to pressure Israel to stop winning the war and lay down their arms, especially since it's the Jews they're talking about.

“This is a disaster politically,” an anonymous House Democrat, described as being pro-Israel, told Politico. “The base is really pissed — and it’s not just the leftists. I have never seen such a depth of anguish as I’ve seen over this Gaza issue. Bibi is toxic among many Democratic voters and Biden must distance himself from him — yesterday.”

At a dinner in January with almost ten Democrats who, the lawmaker said, did not all agree on ideological issues said, “It was unanimous that this Israel-Gaza war needed to end now and that Biden needed to stand up to Bibi.”

“We have to look out for and respond to the immense and terrible suffering of the Palestinian people,” National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, who, like Pete Buttigieg, qualified for his position because he's married to a man, told ABC Sunday. “And that means pressing Israel on issues related to the humanitarian assistance that we have helped unlock and get into the Gaza Strip.”

Biden mumbled at his National Prayer Breakfast Thursday that he would pray to Satan for those “held hostage or under bombardment or displaced.” He doesn't see the difference between the Hamas-held hostages and those killed by the terror group, from those in Gaza being used as human shields or support Hamas as he equates both groups. There is no moral equivalence.

Most states in the Union have clear majorities of either Democrats (“blue”) or Republicans (“red”), and the outcome of a national vote usually comes down to the handful of so-called swing states. Michigan, with its huge Muslim population  is deeply angered over American support of Israel. 

In Dearborn, the city celebrated the October 7 attack and residents were later upset when Israel fought back. 

Isn't it shameful how our leaders have lost their moral compasses and replaced them with political greed.

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