Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Does Biden have a time machine or does he just make s*** up?

Our illustrious President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. may have a time machine and he's letting it slip out that he can time travel. Or not.

Biden was in Las Vegas on Sunday, ahead of the Nevada primary when he let it slip in a speech that in 2021 he met with France's François Mitterrand, the former president of that country. 

Did Biden have a time machine? See, Mitterrand was the French President from 1981 to 1995. Of course it's possible Joe was able to turn the magic dial to any of those years and meet with Mitterrand, but that's the only way, because in 2021, Mitterrand was pushing up daisies--he died in 1996. 

Wait. What if Mitterrand is the invisible guy we often see President Biden shaking hands with after his speeches? Maybe Joe can see dead people. Who knows? I don't know, do you? 

François Mitterrand's grave

During the Las Vegas speech, Biden took a walk down What's Left of his Memory Lane and mentioned the G-7 meeting in the U.K. along with a gaggle of NATO leaders that took place in June of 2021, in which a conversation about the January 6 Capitol protest took place.

“I sat down and I said, ‘America’s back’ and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France looked at me and said, ‘You know why — how long you back for?'” 
Joe Biden says he recently met with “Mitterand from Germany.”

Mitterand was the FRENCH President between 1981 and 1995.

He also died in 1996. pic.twitter.com/W0YPBDp69n
The thing is, the time Biden was referring to, 2021, Emmanuel Macron was president of France.

But Joe's consistency is, well, consistent. He told the same tale in 2022 about Mitterrand, who, at that time, was even deader than the previous year. 

From a son who died not only in Iraq, but also was killed in Normandy in 1918, Joe Biden is a babbling bag of bull s*** and we all should be worried that he is, at least in title, the President of the United States.

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