Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Racist US Highway causes Black motorist to skid off road

Buttigieg speaks with MSNBC racist, Al Sharptongue

Choo-choo and pothole lover, US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg [his pronouns have not been made public] has stated many times that our highways and byways are racist, and now there's proof.

A black motorist, we'll call him Casey, had been driving under the influence in Little Rock, Arkansas, on Tuesday, when he was spotted by an Arkansas State Police trooper weaving across lanes and driving well over the speed limit.

The trooper gave chase and Casey heard the siren and saw the lights behind him, so he put the pedal to the medal and tried to escape, knowing that a DUI would go against his insurance premiums.

Four more trooper vehicles joined the chase in the middle of the night as Casey kept them at bay, often hitting speeds of 130 miles per hour and using his brakes to keep them from "PITing" him. [PIT is an acronym for Precision Immobilization Technique in which the trooper uses his/her vehicle to spin the car out and cause the perpetrator to lose control and thus have their vehicle immobilized confronted by law enforcement.]

The chase continued as tires squealed and sirens blared. 

Casey hit a curve going 90 miles an hour when his tires began to scream, and he lost control, took his foot off the throttle, it was quite a sight to be seen.

The trooper surrounded his car, guns drawn, as shouts of "Show us your hands!" were shouted.

He finally made his way out of the car and taken into custody. Once in custody it was given a road sobriety test and failed miserably. He also had a suspended driver's license. 

Casey shouted that the handcuffs were too tight and that he couldn't breathe, even though he was able to shout and was standing upright. He also screamed, "Racists. All you mother****ers are racists. I can't breathe, I can't breathe."

Pete Buttigieg spoke with MSNBC's racist in residence, Al Sharptongue, saying that highway designs in the country were “racist,” and claimed that the new infrastructure bill would help fix racism. He added that Casey would have likely gotten away had he been white and it simply isn't fair.

The last time Pete attacked highways as racist was in 2021, because racism is the only go-to they have that demonizes the right.

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