Monday, January 9, 2023

Dan Crenshaw fakes an apology on CNN after being blasted by his party for calling them "terrorists"

Thank you for your service Rep. Crenshaw, now stop being a racist. 

Okay, Dan Crenshaw isn't a racist but the Republicans who held up the House Speaker vote for Kevin McCarthy are not terrorists. [Obviously he was targeting Matt Gaetz of Florida, and Lauren Boebert of Colorado.] So if Crenshaw can call them that, I can call him a racist because it makes as much sense, just as when the Left uses that go-to tag to shut us up.

The GOP holdouts, like it or not, got some of the various agreements they were holding out for and that were voted on Monday as part of the rules vote. Unfortunately, the Republican infighting exposed Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) in a very poor light.

Crenshaw, obviously upset by the long voting procedure, ended up calling the holdouts a few disgusting names, which as a military veteran, is quite surprising, because one of the slurs he used to refer to them was "terrorists." This is a guy with experience dealing with real terrorists and that kind of slur coming from a former Navy SEAL is probably worse than calling someone a racist. But he even referred to them as "enemies" for what they were doing, which was actually fulfilling their obligations to their constituents and the American people.

So Crenshaw went on a TV clean up tour, avoiding Fox News but appearing on the Compromised News Network (CNN). Yes, Crenshaw went on CNN, obviously not caring to make things right with the right, so what was he really doing?

He acted as if what he did and said was not such a big deal and that it was our fault for being too sensitive. It looks like he's going to be a one-term wonder, but who knows, maybe he'll 'do an Adam Kinzinger' and switch parties. Who knows, maybe he'll even get a gig on CNN after he's gone from Capitol Hill if the GOP's memory serves in his next election.

“Look, things get heated and things get said. Obviously, to people who took offense by that, it’s pretty obvious that it’s meant as a turn of phrase,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”

Turning a phrase by calling people terrorists and enemies of the nation? No Danny, that isn't turning a phrase, it isn't just an insult, it's a rather disgusting thing to say to people who think differently than you do. 

Crenshaw acted like he couldn’t understand how it could have offended people, saying he was “a little taken aback” by the “sensitivity.” But just a little.

“To the extent that I have colleagues that were offended by it, I sincerely apologize to them. I don’t want them to think I actually believe they’re terrorists. It’s clearly a turn of phrase that you use in what is an intransigent negotiation,” Crenshaw said, failing to take the American public into consideration when making the empty apology.

Nothing calls for a justification of your slurs, and you don't say the people who you called terrorists and enemies are overly sensitive. You don't even say that to the snowflakes.

I hope you're gone soon, you arrogant s**t. You say the people you slurred were clutching their pearls and here you are afraid to go on Fox and opted for a Left-friendly network instead because you didn't have the stones to take the chance.

Oh, and thank you for your service, by the way.

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