Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Biden claims to Salvation Army brass he spent time with Secret Service in Ukraine, Poland

It seems that everything that comes out of the mushmouth of our so called President Biden is either a sign of confusion or a bald faced lie. 

Biden did not drive an 18-wheeler; did not visit the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, not Afghanistan and Iraq twice as president; his son, Beau did not die in Iraq; did not pass student loan legislation; was not raised by Puerto Ricans; is not Jewish; did not travel 17,000 miles with Chinese President Xi; did not kick Hezbollah out of Lebanon; did not make a deal with the Taliban that he would get all US forces out of Afghanistan by May 1st; and finally, he did not come out anywhere near the top of his law school class--he came out at close to last. 

We all know there's more but you get the point.

So the latest in the Biden list of lies came in El Paso, Texas over the weekend when he told a Salvation Army Official that he spent time with the Secret Service in Poland and Ukraine. Perhaps it wasn't a lie but a mere hallucination; apparently he's been experiencing them for a while as observed in his attempt at shaking hands with the air.

To Joe's credit, he never peed himself in front of a crowd like the president of South Sudan did a few days ago. But alas, he did take a dump while seated in front of the Pope, so there's that.

When asked by the press about Biden's Poland-Ukraine hot mic claim, the White House pointed to the sky and said, "Look, a dead bird."

Only Adam Kinzinger looked and began to cry over what he believed he saw.

It is not immediately clear what Biden was referring to or why he would speak to a Salvation Army official about his overseas trips with the Secret Service. 

"And here we have folks from the Salvation Army…"

BIDEN: "I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and in Ukraine." pic.twitter.com/HoM5wIOs4g

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 9, 2023

The hot mic moment was uncovered by the RNC's research team and it illustrated for us once again that our alleged President cannot keep himself from telling lies and is having serious cognitive problems to think that non-Democrats would believe his balderdash.

The next thing he might try to convince us of is that during the Vietnam War, he visited the troops and met with Richard Blumenthal under enemy fire.

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