Wednesday, January 11, 2023

CNN "reporter" obscenely compares Israel with Syria

On January 5th, the Contemptuous News Network (CNN) reporter Christiane Amanpour once again could not contain her deluded disdain and prejudice against Israel. She obscenely compared the defensive actions of the Jewish State to those of the Syrian regime in an interview with Dror Moreh, the Israeli director of the film "The Corridors of Power." They were discussing topics of Ukraine, Bosnia, the Holocaust, Kosovo and Syria.

Amanpour asked Moreh:  “You are an Israeli. I don’t know whether you were in Israel at the time, but you said that this red line in the neighboring country of Syria, where all these atrocities were being committed really, really made you angry and upset. Many will want to know, you know, do you feel equally angry about the horrible situation that’s going on in your own country, and the human rights attacks, killings of Palestinians? Obviously, we know Israelis are also attacked, but what is your perspective, as an Israeli given the whole ‘never again’ paradigm in which you place this investigation?”

The comparison is obscene.

In the 10 years of Syrian conflict, more than 306,000 civilians have been killed, not including military.

In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, starting in December 1987 when the First Intifada began, up until May 2021, approximately 14,000 lives were lost on both sides, including civilians and combatants. Unlike the Syrian conflict in which around 30,000 civilian lives were lost, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict averaged about 400 lives in total. This includes the most deadly periods such as the Second Intifada and other operations against Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza.

Obviously, the Syrian civil war cost more than twice as many lives in a single year than has been killed in the 34 years of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is not to say that any of these lives do not matter, but to make a similar comparison is bizarre.

What makes Amanpour's statement even more bizarre and morally obscene is her obvious partisan framing. Syrian regime atrocities targeted civilians, barrel bombing hospitals and using chemical weapons on civilian neighborhoods. The only people specifically targeting civilians in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. 

But the so-called 'reporter' frames the latter conflict as the "killings of Palestinians." She kind of mentions that the Israelis were "also attacked" as if it was an afterthought, while forgetting to mention that the majority of deaths in 2022 (167 as of Dec. 13, according to the Palestinian Authority) occurred when they were attacking Israelis!

Others were killed in crossfire, or in the context of clashes. It's like saying the coalition strikes against Islamic State was the "killing of Muslims" without mentioning their affiliation and what those Muslims were doing.

However, the 31 Israelis killed by Palestinians last year, 27 of them were civilians who were deliberately targeted. So if Amanpour wants to make comparisons, she would be more accurate to say that the Palestinians act more like the Syrian regime in targeting people.

These Israeli deaths occurred during a significant growth of terrorist activity in the West Bank. According to Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a non-partisan think tank organization, there were 796 Palestinian terror attacks between March to December 2022.

Christiane Amanpour's reality is butt-backwards. Her propagandistic description and implication does not comport with the data that shows Israel has targeted combatants in the context of repelling deadly Palestinian terrorist attacks against civilians, even Israeli schools. 

There is an avenue for debate as to specific Israeli policies and procedures, but to compare Israel to Syria is, as I said, obscene, both statistically and morally.

But it comes as no surprise that Amanpour holds contempt for Israel and places hatred over veracity.

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