Monday, November 7, 2022

Biden calls protesters "idiots" during a mumbled speech in Illinois

If ever there was a case of the pot calling the kettle black, it happened in Joliet, IL on Saturday. Our babbling alleged President was stumping for Democratic candidates and attacked Republicans accusing them of planning to put Medicare and Social Security "on the chopping block."

Outside the event, a group of peaceful protesters held signs that read "Socialism Sucks" and "Vote Pro-Life," while one sign read "Where's Nancy," words reported to be spoken during an incident in which Paul Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's husband, was attacked by a mentally ill person with a hammer.

Biden went off script or the teleprompter was stuck when he made note of the protesters and their signs.

"I love those signs when I came in," Biden mush-mouthed to his audience after defending Social Security and Medicare as a "promise" made to generations of Americans. "Socialism. Give me a break, what idiots." 

At least he didn't do a Hillary Clinton and call us a basket of deplorables. You know how that worked out for her.

Biden is being used very sparingly by the Democrats as they fear he will MEGA GAFFE and make an even bigger fool of himself than he already has. So he traveled to Illinois as part of the campaign swing, going only to deep-blue areas where the people there would vote for a pile of crap as long as it was dumped by a Democrat, than vote with their brains. In other words, the Dems have given Biden a very short leash.

"I vum you know to bastinglinger." "Good night, Mister Joe."

Biden already visited New York, California and Pennsylvania where he shook Senate candidate John Fetterman's hand, jumped back when making a speech after stepping on his own shadow, and looked as confused as a penguin trying to spot his twin brother in a rookery. [Imagine Biden and Fetterman discussing the nuances of astrophysics in a bar.]

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But as Tuesday draws nigh, the Grand Old Party looks like they're going to kick ass and take dog tags.

Don't forget to vote or you would be making Lyin' Joe Biden right.

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