Sunday, October 30, 2022

NYC: Times Square subway stabbing perp in custody

It has become more dangerous to take the subway in New York City, or to simply just live there, than it had been to be stationed in Afghanistan, especially prior to President Biden having troops try to leave without getting killed.

Early Saturday morning, a 23-year-old man was stabbed at around 2:25 a.m. during a brawl in the passageway near the number 7 train entrance at the Times Square-42nd Street station. The man was hospitalized. 

The police have made an arrest of the stabber and say that five individuals were involved in the dispute but fled the scene soon thereafter. The cops were able to catch one suspect, according to sources familiar with the case and charges against that person are still pending. His identity has not been released by the NYPD at this time.

Officers from the Midtown South Precinct and NYPD Transit Bureau responded to the kerfuffle and found the 23-year-old victim stabbed in the torso and leg.

"This knife violence has got to stop," one person who asked to remain anonymous due to fear of reprisal and an old felony count, told Brain Flushings. "What happened to good old fashion guns? That would have dealt with it and the guy who got attacked could have ended the fight right then and there. Shoot the bast**d, I always say."

EMS rushed the young man to Bellevue Hospital for treatment of injuries not considered life-threatening, authorities said.

Police are still seeking four other men involved in the fight who fled afterward hither and thither.

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Anyone with information regarding the stabbing can call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-TIPS (for Spanish, dial 888-57-PISTA).  All calls and messages are kept confidential and you could make a few bucks on the side if your information pans out.

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