Monday, October 31, 2022

Fredo flops again and his staff fears the worst

Fredo Cuomo doing a John Fetterman imitation

Former disgraced Compromised News Network anchor Chris "Fredo" Cuomo is not doing well of late because he sucks at journalism, veracity and intelligence. Fredo was canned from CNN after it was discovered that he was running cover for his even more disgraced brother, senior citizen killer with Covid and former Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo.

But Fredo is attracted to video cameras like flies are to something else, and not long after his firing from CNN, he began a new career, albeit a less lucrative and prestigious one at NewsNation.

Not unlike CNN, Fredo's new gig debuted to laughable ratings, drawing less viewers (147,000) than a rush hour bus in Delhi. Fox News' Sean Hannity on a normal day, draws over 2,000,000 viewers for his show.

The New York Post reports that while Cuomo is circling the proverbial toilet bowl, he may be in a position of taking down everyone around him too. Rather than his audience growing, his numbers have spiraled down to an average nightly viewership of a mere 119,000. 

Even when Cuomo landed an interview with Ye, aka Kanye West, he only drew 129,000 viewers.

“Cuomo is getting nasty about the ratings and he’s starting to blame everyone but himself,” a source told the Post. “He’s blaming the network, staff that he personally hired, his lead-in, the promo department and even the press department!”

But at least he didn't blame Trump this time, however, Fredo's temper tantrums are infecting the morale and employees are preparing for layoffs.

“Chris has zero patience,” another source said. “This isn’t going to end well.”

For its part, NewsNation has denied this damning report from the Post but remember, they hired Cuomo so they're probably lying.

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“Your information is completely, totally, 100% inaccurate. But we are glad that The Post [has] taken such an interest in NewsNation’s success,” a NewsNation representative told the Post. “We have talked to numerous people in our newsroom and on Chris’ staff and they are all very happy with the growth we’re seeing.”

The growth has been diagnosed as malignant cancer often spread by gym rats.

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