Saturday, July 23, 2022

Chip Roy schools Jerry Nadler on guns and women

Nobody will ever accuse House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler (D-NY) of being the smartest guy in the room, but if Brian Stelter and Michael Moore aren't in the room, Nadler might be accused of being the fattest.

The Democrats are desperate to push the anti-Second Amendment agenda in Congress but apparently know as much about guns and statistics as scorpions know about the Bible and algebra, as witnessed in the House debate of the Assault Weapons Ban Act of 2021.

Big Jerry, as his friends call him, proved that he didn't know anything about guns, and said the quiet part out loud: he wanted to ban guns that were in common use for personal self-defense.

Guns in common use are protected under the Supreme Court decision in Heller, but Nadler acknowledged that he wants to ban guns that violate the decision. If the left manage to pass anything, you can bet it will go to the Supreme Court and the Court will look back and see the intent was to circumvent the Heller case.

Nadler also stepped in crap during the hearings when Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) took him to task after he tried to pull "facts" out of his nether regions. He said that guns increase the risk to women during domestic violence situations.

“The presence of a gun in domestic violence situations increases the risk of homicide by women by 500%,” Big Jerry said, in a sophomoric attempt to justify why there should be no exceptions to the bill for domestic violence victims being able to protect themselves. “So, pass this amendment, and you’ll see an increase in domestic — in homicides of women by 500%.” 

This lie coming from the Party that cannot define what a woman is.

Jerry Nadler: "The presence of a gun in domestic violence situations increases the risk of homicide [of] women by 500%…"@RepChipRoy: "Not if the woman holds it!"

— (@townhallcom) July 21, 2022

Chip Roy responded perfectly: “I would note that the chairman just said that the existence of a firearm — I think you might have said in the household, I’m not sure — increases the likelihood of violence by 500% or something of that nature,” Roy began. “And I’d say, well, not if the woman holds it.”


Roy just took Nadler to the toolshed and taught him what a cattle prod is used for. Roy's point, of course, shows how a gun in the hands of a woman is a great equalizer, especially for women in domestic violence situations, not to mention sexual attacks. Jerry would deny women, whatever they are, the right to self-defense. But Roy also pointed out the real point of Nadler's argument was to ban all guns as the big guy failed to limit his so-called "facts" to merely "assault weapons."

“If you’re saying firearms generally, then the next step for the chairman is to limit all firearms — which, let’s get to the heart of it, we know that that is where our colleagues wish to go,” Roy correctly stated.

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If we learned one thing about Democrats, progressives and the left, we learned never to trust anything they say, especially if they promise you. Think abortion: "safe, rare and legal" became "a woman has the right to control her own body." 

Yes, unless you're talking about the other life inside her and her control over whether she wants to get a Covid vaccine. 

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