Saturday, February 12, 2022

Irony Alert: Handy Andy Cuomo filing professional misconduct complaint against NY AG Letitia James

Former disgraced senior-killer Democratic Governor of New York and older brother of the Andy and Fredo Comedy Team, Andrew Cuomo, plans to file a complaint about, wait for it . . . a professional misconduct complaint against New York Attorney General Letitia James, another likely hopeful for the governorship of the Empire State.

James you may recall, has made it very clear that she wants to find legal dirt on President Trump, which actually lends credence to Cuomo's claim, but it's doubtful that this would come up in court.

The disgraced ex-governor's attorney, Rita Glavin, accused AG James's office of "selectively" redacting information in the bombshell sexual harassment report that led to Cuomo's resignation last year from office. She is also accused of including "materially misleading information" in the report, and "slow rolling" the release of the underlying interview depositions after announcing its findings.

Glavin said James' office has not taken Cuomo's criticisms of the report seriously. At least it seems so on the surface.

"What she [James] has done and all she has done is she has publicly dismissed our complaints," Glavin said.

Maybe Trump needs to also jump on the anti-James bandwagon, but then he would be perceived as uniting with a scumcrumpet Cuomo.

"(Cuomo) feels strongly that there was misconduct here, that the attorney general misused her office," Glavin said Thursday when she announced the complaint. She will be filing the grievance to an Attorney Grievance Committee. Glavin said it's not yet clear if Cuomo will only file the complaint against James, or if he will also name investigators who worked on the report. She did not commit to making the complaint public.

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Well, that's politics for you--we have James who may have done a smear job on Cuomo just to gain personal political power for herself. And maybe she went after Trump [thus far unsuccessfully] to earn brownie points with the Democratic Party. In any case, you can clearly see all the agendas at play.

The big question is whether Andrew Cuomo has another political agenda, and whatever happened to that Q-Tip wielded by Fredo?

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