Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Biden hires a drag queen who talks about "sex with animals" and simply adores "Daddy Fauci"

Our Nuclear Waste Queen

The Biden administration is hiring drag queen named Sam Brinton as "Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy" or the DASSFWDONEDOE.

The guy Biden chose makes Richard Simmons look like Chuck Norris. He probably never even takes out the garbage and Biden expects him to take out the nuclear waste.

Brinton tweeted:
I have some pretty BIG news to share with you all today. I have accepted the offer to serve as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy. pic.twitter.com/FAeGhzEMPx
Brinton's pronouns are: "they/them" and that's important because if you call him "he" or "him," they/them might have a hissy-fit and want to do harm to your body. The gay new DASSFWDONEDOE [say it, it's funny] lists his solid qualifications for the job of dealing with nuclear waste as being the "first gender fluid person in federal government leadership.” 

I do not even want to know about gender fluid, especially the last part. But imagine how lucky the country is to have someone who will direct the disposal of dangerous nuclear waste whose major qualification is that he has sex with pretty much anything that turns oxygen into carbon dioxide. 
I’ll even be (to my knowledge) the first gender fluid person in federal government leadership. But most importantly, I am going to be responsible for finding solutions to a problem I have dedicated my life to that has been stymied for decades.

— Sam Brinton (@sbrinton) January 10, 2022
In a biographical statement on an LGBT website provided by Brinton, they/them bragged about having “worn his stilettos to Congress to advise legislators about nuclear policy and to the White House, where he advised President Obama and Michelle Obama on LGBT issues.”

Yes, they/them's a real vamp and they/them will steal your heart if you let they/them. We know they/them had stolen Biden's something or other.

The they/them bio continued: “He shows young men and women everywhere he goes that they can be who they are and gives them courage. Once, while he was walking around Disney World in 6 inch stilettos with his boyfriend, a young highly gay boy saw Sam with his gay boyfriend and started crying. He told his mother, ‘It’s true, Mom. WE can be our own princess here.'”

Question: how can anyone be anything other than who they are? And if you believe that garbage, you're watching too much "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy."

Brinton is an active member of the Washington, D.C., chapter of a drag queen society known as the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” the National Pulse reported Thursday.

Biden is an active member of the Washington, D.C. chapter of a geriatric society known as "Political Pant Poopers Anonymous."

Brinton has referred to White House so-called medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci as "Daddy Fauci" and described him as a "saint." This coming from a drag queen who enjoys sexual role playing he refers to as "pup play" with his gay lover (below).

They/them [standing] the new hire as America's DASSFWDONEDOE
What could go wrong?

You can imagine the nuclear waste they/them will need to clean up later.

They/them was interviewed in the LGBT magazine  Metro Weekly where he discussed his animal fetish in dogged detail:

“Pup and I have what I feel is one of the most ideally perfect connections between our personal and kink life,” it said. “Both of us have other partners, so we come into this space, and then we come out of it, knowing the boundaries of where your kink and non-kink relationships begin and end.”

By other partners they/them means that his only loyalty is they/them self.

“One of the hardest things about being a [dog] handler is that I’ve honestly had people ask, ‘Wait, you have sex with animals?'” he told Metro Weekly. “They believe it’s abusive, that it’s taking advantage of someone who may not be acting up to a level of human responsibility. …

“The other misperception is that I have some really messed up background, like, did I have some horrible childhood trauma that made me like to have sex with animals,” they/them said.

The drag queen zoophile acknowledged that others didn’t understand his fetishistic proclivities [and mental illness] so allow me to explain it: Brinton's fantasy is that he would like to have sex with critters, particularly dogs, and has no sense of loyalty to human beings other than himself.

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And this is who Biden selected to help run the country right now, again showing us that our brain addled house plant POTUS has never in all his years in politics made a good decision. "Leave it to Joe, to f**k things up," as Obama said of him.

An actual journalist, Andy Ngo tweeted:
Sam Brinton (@sbrinton; they/them), a left-wing activist & advocate of sexual fetishes, has announced they will be working as a high-level staffer at the U.S. Department of Energy (@ENERGY). Brinton gave live demos on wax, bondage & “electro play” as part of their lessons. pic.twitter.com/MLh4cNUA1Q

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) February 11, 2022
So the new selection standards of the White House is not so much about merit or ability, it's about identity. If you're a Black woman, you've got a shot at a lifetime position on the Supreme Court. If you're a gay drag queen zoophile, you can become the nation's DASSFWDONEDOE. Your knowledge and ability are secondary to your sexual proclivities.

Biden may be a mere puppet to someone pulling his strings, but under his administration we are victims of the cultural, economic, moral and military destruction of America. And this cretin still has three years to go.

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