Wednesday, January 19, 2022

PA parents pissed: school employee taped mask to child's face

The "educator" is wearing a useless cloth mask

If you have a child or a grandchild you might be as angry as me to learn that a scumweasel school worker used taped to stick a mask to a child's face. The parents in this Pennsylvania school district are certainly livid over this, and who can blame them?

The incident went viral online and the North Penn School District confirmed the photo is genuine.

"An image taken in one of our classrooms last week and circulating on social media does not represent the universal values that the North Penn School District strives to instill in both our students and staff," the school district admitted in a statement Wednesday. "After an immediate investigation, it was determined that while the incident was isolated and no malice was intended, the actions of the teacher were entirely inappropriate and unacceptable, no matter the context."

"We understand that the act of taping a mask to a student’s face is concerning to many and apologize that it occurred," the district added. "The matter is serious and it is being addressed with the employee. However, all personnel and student matters are confidential and no further information can be provided."

So it's a good bet that the school employee will get a wag of the finger and probably come down with omicron anyway.

"The lack of good judgment and common sense demonstrated by this educator is shocking," a spokesperson for the North Penn Stronger Together Facebook group told Fox News in a statement. "There is no justification for this action - regardless of whether the intent was playful, joking, malicious or something else."

"The fact that our school district leaders did not immediately remove this educator [aka incompetent idiot] from any classroom responsibility may be a bigger and more shocking offense," the group spokesperson added. "Every district should take measures to ensure that this does not happen in their schools."

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The North Penn School District serves the Montgomery County suburbs of Philadelphia.

And while the numbers for COVID-19 have gone up and kids hospitalized due to the omicron variant, kids are still much less likely to contract the virus and if they do, will far more likely not experience severe symptoms according to the CDC. In the US, 596 children between the ages of 5 and 18 have died of COVID-19, which is 0.07 percent of the 848,388 deaths in the US population. Far more kids die from the flu, but isn't a political concern.

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