Thursday, January 20, 2022

Cleanup in Aisle White House

Alleged President Biden had a marathon press conference Wednesday which was a train wreck that jumped the tracks, hit a box of puppies, and careened into an orphanage. After it was over and Biden finally got to have his nap, it was obvious to any honest observer that this garbage president will go down in history as the most mentally and morally incompetent and dishonest POTUS we have ever had.

He called on friendly, prearranged, 'safe' reporters, hand-picked by his staff and/or puppet master, and he appeared, in part, to read prepared responses to the questions. Sometimes he displayed his Joker smile, sometimes he whispered like a serial killer, but the one thing that was clear, Joe is a cognitively impaired old man who should be home watching "I Love Lucy" reruns on the Beta Max, and not pretending to run the country or mistake Kamala Harris as the President.

It isn't clear if he constantly lies or just doesn't remember what he said. Of course we know he lies often enough, and he gets really angry at reporters who quote him directly and he denies he said what they are quoting. 

He denies he compared anyone who opposes his attempt to federalize all elections rather than keep that duty with the states, and compared even members of his own party to other Democrats like Bull Connor Jefferson Davis and George Wallace.

He claimed in his presser that he has done more than any other president in history, and he has: he fathered inflation, screwed up the Covid response, made a clusterfrack out of Afghanistan, and divided the country even further apart while moving with his Party even further to the left. That's what he has done.

When asked about what he would do if Russia invades Ukraine, Biden publicly said that it depends how much of an incursion Russia would perpetrate. So a little incursion is okay, but a big incursion would be a problem.

What the hell is a "little incursion?"

If Mexico sent a few tanks over our border into Texas, but didn't go more than a mile into the state, would that be a little incursion? Would that be acceptable to our brain addled president?

Biden just okayed Russia's move into Ukraine. Brilliant!

Putin must be laughing in their vodka right now after hearing Biden mumble and bumble. China is also having a good laugh too. 

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China, Russia, and Iran are all getting together for military exercises. They see weakness and incompetence in our president and nothing Jen Psaki, Kamala Hahahaharris, or Biden says, can change how they see us.

Sorry Joe; you can't fix stupid.

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