Tuesday, January 11, 2022

NV GOP gov. candidate shatters fundraising record: AOC blames it on inflation

A GOP candidate for Nevada governor destroyed tho old fundraising records for both parties and he did it without having to do it as a transgender woman. He's hoping to flip the state red and it's looking pretty good for the Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo.

Meanwhile, Democrats are saying that he raked in $3,100,000 only because the dollar lost its value for some reason. 

Lombardo is one of nine GOPers fighting for the nomination, and since he announced his candidacy in late June, donations have been pouring in like migrants at the border.

New York Congresswoman and former mixologist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Socialist) said of Lombardo's record-breaking fundraising: "The only reason he got all of those dollars is because the dollar has lost its value. In real numbers he took in less than half. I know; I have a degree in economics from Boston University. If it wasn't for inflation, he'd have nothing to brag about."

The fundraising amount is record-breaking for a non-election year and has out-raised any Democrat or Republican with the aim of defeating and unseating Democrat Gov. Steve Sisolak. In the 2020 presidential election, Joe Robinette Biden Jr., defeated the incumbent Donald J. Trump in t

"I'm truly honored by the tremendous show of support my campaign has received so far," Lombardo told Fox News in a statement. "For far too long, Steve Sisolak and Nevada's radical, single-party state rule have failed us, and I think these numbers clearly reflect that Nevadans are ready for something new."

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"To every Nevadan who is desperate for safer streets, better schools, and a stronger economy: Hold on, help is on the way," he continued. "My campaign is just getting started, and we're on the way to deliver true leadership in 2022. Together, this will be the year we take back our state!"

AOC reassured her Nevada Instagram followers that with her backing and sexual allure, there's no way a Constitution-clutching white guy with a gun can win the gubernatorial race, now that she has learned what gubernatorial means.

"And I know Joe Lombardo is only running because he wants to date me, and date me hard," the firebrand Latinx said.

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