Monday, January 10, 2022

U.S. jokes with Iran about "severe consequences" if Americans are attacked

The White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan made a serious face and told Iran that they will face serious consequences if they attack Americans, including, but not limited to the balsy Trump-ordered droning of their top terrorist leader Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was blown to smithereens in 2020.

"Don't you fellows try anything," Sullivan began, "or we'll just slap you hard." 

4-Star Admiral [possibly of the "Rear" type] Rachel Levine concurred. "Don't you dare even try anything funny," formerly known as Dick, said. "America will not tolerate being bullied by a bunch of silly savages. I swear, we'll harm you if you try to harm us," he vowed.

Sullivan said on Saturday that Iran's sanctions came because Tehran's proxy militias continue to attack American troops in the Middle East.

"We will work with our allies and partners to deter and respond to any attacks carried out by Iran," Sullivan said in a scary statement. "Should Iran attack any of our nationals, including any of the 52 people named yesterday, it will face severe consequences."

4-Star Admiral Levine added, "Yes, Jake is right. And I know neither he nor I, a mere woman 4-Star Admiral, are on that list you Iranians put together, but if you hurt either one of us, President Biden is going to be very angry and you will suffer the wrath of a man who doesn't know when to stop."

On Saturday, Iran imposed sanctions on dozens more Americans, many of them in the military, due to the blowing up into little bitesize pieces, Soleimani, whose only fault was that he wanted to kill Americans, Jews, gays, lesbians and anyone who has no idea which way Mecca is located.

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Iran's Foreign Ministry said 51 Americans have been targeted for what it called "terrorism" and human rights violations--a verbal trick the left constantly uses when they throw "racist" into most of their debates with non-mental patients.

The step lets Iranian authorities seize any assets they hold in Iran, but the apparent absence of such assets means it will likely be symbolic. You can't get Covid from a stone.

It was not clear why Sullivan's statement referred to 52 people when Tehran said it had sanctioned 51, unless he was counting himself in that number. Maybe he was just kidding.

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