Saturday, January 22, 2022

Mexico City University teacher on Zoom class mocks Holocaust victims, gets fired

A teacher who mocked Holocaust victims with a sick joke got fired. And while freedom of speech is the last bastion of a free society, being an authority figure over developing minds comes with responsibility.

The incident occurred Tuesday during a virtual Zoom class of the CESSA (Center for Advanced Studies of San Ángel) University in Mexico. The Jew-hating teacher, Irene García Méndez  [who probably never met a Jew in her miserable life] asked the class: "Pay attention: what's the difference between a pizza and a Jew?

None of her students responded, so she continued, “That pizza doesn’t scream when they put it in the oven.”

Her students remained silent after she dropped that disgusting line.

“No?” Méndez, laughing, asked her students.

One female student replied, “Your joke is too tasteless.”

“It’s strong,” Méndez said. [Obviously the teacher is stupida.]

“I’m telling you, as a Jew, I find your joke too tasteless,” the student said, “I am going to withdraw from your class.”

“I know doll,” Méndez rejoined as the student signed off. “We can all tell jokes. I understand your displeasure.”

Some anti-Semites are only Jew haters in order to be accepted by the cooler, better-looking anal sphincters they look up to. What's this teacher's excuse? 

Defending her anti-Semitic rhetoric after the girl had left the Zoom course, Méndez continued, “I understand your displeasure perfectly, but we can understand that there are different characteristics and different ways to help and we were taking it in a nice way, it is not necessary to go to these degrees.”

She sounded like Kamala Harris trying to explain the administration's plans with the pandemic.

Adina Chelminsky, a Jewish-Mexican podcaster and entrepreneur who shared footage of Méndez’s comments on Twitter, said the incident brought her to tears.

“We Jews are used to antisemitism in all its forms,” she tweeted Thursday. “But there are scenes that make our skin crawl because they are so commonplace. This video made me cry with rage and anger (and sadness). Because it is not a joke.”
Los judíos estamos acostumbrados al antisemitismo en todas sus formas.
Pero hay escenas que por cotidianas nos erizan la piel.
Este vídeo me hizo llorar de la rabia y el coraje (y la tristeza).
Porque no es un chiste@CESSAMX algún comentario? Acción?

— Adina Chelminsky (@AdinaChel) January 20, 2022
On Thursday, CESSA University announced that Méndez had been dismissed, and said her remarks “should be regarded as her personal views and do not reflect our institutional values.”

“We offer an apology to our students, alumni, professors, and collaborators, as well as to the Jewish Community and to all the people offended by these out of place comments,” the statement said. “Respect is the basis that guides our actions.”

Earlier that day, CESSA Rector and General Director Alonso Guerrero Arteaga apologized to the Jewish community and said the administration was “deeply dismayed” by what had happened.

“In this institution, we have always taken care to respect every individual, regardless of their religion, sexual orientation or opinion, which is why we are very sorry that this has happened in one of our classrooms,” Arteaga wrote in a statement.

“On behalf of CESSA University, I offer an apology for such offensive comments to the Jewish community. For many years we have maintained a close and positive relationship, through students and professors in our house of studies, as well as the different high schools with which we have a very good relationship, and we wish to continue to maintain it in this way.”

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Good for the school; good for Arteaga; and especially good for the student who had the courage to take a stand against this form of subtle hatred.

Often, it is the very same people who constantly throw the word 'racist' around, who perpetrate racism. They even show it to the groups for which they advocate while they virtue signal and accidentally expose their true bigotry of low expectations toward those minorities. 

But although Jews are a global minority (and certainly a minority in Mexico) they are recipients of the most hate crimes than any other group and still refuse to pose themselves as victims.

When will this nonsense stop?

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