Thursday, January 6, 2022

Kamala Hahaharris compares Jan. 6 to bombing of Pearl Harbor and 9/11

There is no other way to say it so here goes: our Vice President, Kamala Harris, is an idiot. 

She is an idiot because anyone who believes the American people could be convinced that the event that took place last January 6th at the U.S. Capitol was comparable to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which dragged us into the Second World War, and September 11, 2001, when thousands of people were killed as Islamic jihadis flew planes into the World Trade Center buildings, the Pentagon, and attempted to fly one into the White House but was thwarted, must be dumber than those she's trying to convince.

Harris marked the Jan. 6 anniversary of the Capitol riot with those comparisons. In effect, this our idiot VP has minimized actual tragedies with a bunch of people who were dissatisfied with the 2020 election procedures, and were protesting what they believe was a fraudulent result. Some of the rioters were armed, some engaged with the police, but most were too busy taking photos of the scene, talking on their phones, or simply walking around and checking things out. While Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were horrific events with horrible consequences, Jan. 6 was only a horrible consequence for a young lady named Ashli Babbitt.

Babbitt was unarmed and entering the Capitol building through a window when a Capital Police Officer shot and killed her for no other apparent reason. Babbitt was a military veteran, married, and may have been wrong to do what she did, but killing her was senseless and totally unjustified. In spite of that, the cop who shot her, Michael Byrd, was fully exonerated. 

Meanwhile, scores of people who participated at the Capitol that day are in jail with no formal charges leveled against them, and no bail offered. They are political prisoners, plain and simple and this should worry all Americans, left and right.

But here was Harris calling for legislation to "protect democracy." Speaking through her nostrils she said that,  “Certain dates echo throughout history, including dates that instantly remind all who have lived through them where they were, and what they were doing, when our democracy came under assault.”

“Dates that occupy not only a place on our calendars, but a place in our collective memory. December 7th, 1941, September 11th, 2001, and January 6th, 2021,” she bulls***ted. Then she warned us how fragile American democracy is.

“On Jan. 6, we all saw what our nation would look like if the forces who seek to dismantle our democracy are successful. The lawlessness. The violence. The chaos,” Harris said from the Capitol building. “What was at stake then, and now, is the right to have our future decided the way the Constitution prescribes it: By we, the people.”

She was able to keep a serious face and did not laugh even once over the irony of her words.

The lawlessness? The left wants to defund the police, impose bail reform that would have violent offenders back out on the street in a revolving door policy, and make armed crimes misdemeanors. 

“The violent assault that took place here, the very fact of how close we came to an election overturned, that reflects the fragility of democracy,” Harris honked.

And if you want an election overturned and have the will of the people destroyed, do what the Democrats are asking for: eliminate voter ID [because minorities and people of color are incapable of getting IDs] and get rid of mail-in voting. 

How many Democrats would be willing to put a thousand dollars in an envelope, address it to themselves, and put it in their local mailbox? The problem with that is no different than mail-in voting.

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Harris was quickly blasted on social media.

Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy explained that Harris’s comparison was “obviously” baseless and he tweeted:
The Capitol riot was bad, political violence is wrong, & people are being prosecuted for it. It wasn’t comparable to Pearl Harbor (2,403 sailors, soldiers, & civilians killed by the Japanese Empire) nor comparable to 9/11 (2,977 Americans & others killed by Al-Qaeda). Obviously.

— Jerry Christmas 🎄🎅🏽 (@JerryDunleavy) January 6, 2022

John Cardillo replied:
9/11: 2977 innocents dead

Pearl Harbor: 2403 Americans dead

Jan 6th: One death. Unarmed #AshliBabbitt killed by an inept Capitol cop, @KamalaHarris’s comparison is disgraceful and insults the memories of those we lost.

— John – Naturally Immune – Cardillo (@johncardillo) January 6, 2022
Harris asserted that in order to protect the will of the people, and the right to vote in America, Congress should pass voting rights bills before the Senate. Prior to her bloviating, Senate Majority Leader Chuck "Nostrils" Schumer (D-NY) threatened to change Senate rules if Republicans didn't vote the way he wanted them to, which was to favor that Democratic-favoring legislation.

Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro succinctly tweeted in response:
That’s the game!

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) January 6, 2022
I would go out on a limb and say that January 6, 2020 was as bad as Watergate, but probably not worse. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, on the other hand, are both worse than Watergate.

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