Monday, September 20, 2021

Virginia Tech prof. apologizes for her meager melanin inheritance

Proving one does not need to have a functioning cerebral cortex in order to teach 'wokeness' at Virginia Tech, or to even have the honorific of "Doctor" [think Dr. Jill Biden], as witnessed by Dr. Crystal Duncan Lane.

Doctor Lane is a woke professor of human development and family science, a make-believe area of study, at Virginia Tech, and included in her class syllabus a rather weird statement in which she told her impressionable and naive students that she, as a cisgender white female, married to a man [presumably also cisgender, but hey, you never know], that she apologizes to students of color for not being a person of color herself.

The primary reason she apologized, which she neglected to tell her students, is because she is a complete idiot and sees her apology as a way of virtue signaling that although she is white, she's a woke whitey and if she could change her skin color, she covertly claims she would. 

Immutable characteristics are not things people can control, nor do they define the individual . . . unless you're 'woke,' and thus a racist.

Doctor Idiot encouraged white students to join her in her imaginary fight to end the injustices of people with more melanin than white folks--people such as, Barack Obama, Kamala Hahahohohaharris, Al Sharptongue, Don LeMon, Maxine Waters, most of the NFL, NBA, WNBA and the Congressional Black Caucus. 

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Lane claims she is innately racist because of her skin color, calling that assertion the “reality” of the history of all white people. No, she's racist because she sees people of color as victims of white suppression and systemic racism. That is simply no longer true in America. It was in the past when slavery existed, and over 600,000 Americans died to end it. We weren't the first nation to end slavery--I believe England was--but we ended it and these same woke morons have nothing to say about the myriad nations where slavery is still ongoing because it's only the USA that is bad, in their pea brains.

One student at the leftist school in Lane's class on disabilities, questioned the teacher's reasoning as to why was she discussing politics in the class rather than teaching about, you know, disabilities. The student is clearly wiser than the teacher.

Another student who wisely remained anonymous to avoid being canceled, said he or she feels pressure to agree to the racism Lane proffers, lest he or she suffer the consequences of a narrow minded ideologue.

Woke folk say they want more tolerance but refuse to tolerate even minor differences of opinion. They are their own oxymorons.

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